Category Archives: Intro
Stealthy attacks to drones!
Our latest paper is in the news: Out of control: stealthy attacks against robotic vehicles
ITB Demo
Special thanks to Dr. Pattabiraman and DSL Lab, it’s been a great opportunity to present my recent findings of device authentication in drones for ITB consortium comprised of QinetiQ, General Dynamics, Seaspan, Lockheed Martin, etc.
Phoenix: An Authentication Framework for IoT Systems
I am very excited about presenting my new poster discussing novel findings in security of drones. Please come and visit my work at the Dependable Computing Workshop 2019. With Dr. Ivanov presenting our work at the workshop.
Hosting Music Night
I was so excited about the great event we hosted in our department. ECEGSA hosted a music night at ECE Kaiser Building. It was a glorious night full of joy with our talented musicians. I never really knew we have lots … Continue reading
DynPolAC: Dynamic Policy-based Access Control for IoT Systems
Near-future IoT systems are comprised of moving objects such as Self-driving Cars (SDC) and Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV). DynPolAC is an authorization framework for dynamic IoT systems where there are <1s query-reply interactions. DynPolAC is presenting in the 23rd IEEE … Continue reading
CORGIDS: A CORrelational-based Generic IDS for IoT
Great news! Our paper about intrusion detection systems for IoT devices has been accepted to CPS-SPC 2018. CORGIDS deduces logical events of physical properties to detect attacks based on Markov Model.
MiniCloud is an IoT Hub
Good news. Our MiniCloud paper has been accepted to the 2018 International IoT Conference. Our front end to the MiniCloud database is here.
Authorization in IoT Systems
On May 11, 2018, I will be at the UBC Cybersecurity Summit, having a speech about my research work of Authorization in IoT systems.
I have been recently reading about Bitcoin. This is a semi-tech book to get you started with learning about the different building blocks of Bitcoin. Bitcoin has three main components, the Blockchain, the peer-to-peer network, and the consensus paradigm. To learn … Continue reading
nwHackathon 2018
We participated in the nwHackathon this year and were able to accomplish and IoT end-to-end implementation in less than 12 hours. You can visit our project page here.