Author Archives: Michelle Lamberson


When Barbara Cambridge, VP of the AAHE visited us this past spring, she introduced us to a couple of techniques that helped us understand e-Portfolios better. One of these is cubing: a writing technique that steps a persone through looking … Continue reading

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E-Portfolio Initiative Information Session

In early June, a group of us did an information session at the e-Strategy Town Hall, e-Portfolios: An Emerging Community of Practice” that outlined the scope of our initiative, plus some early work on looking at some of the systems. … Continue reading

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Mixed Mode Course Links

Here at UBC, we have a mixed mode course development initiative underway. Below are some links for more information related to this type of development: Separated at Birth? Lessons from Arts and Science Approaches to e-learning Cyprien Lomas, Ph.D., and … Continue reading

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The E-Strategy Town Hall

In early June we had the annual e-Strategy Town Hall. It’s a site well worth visiting… many of the presentations, including Richard Katz’s keynote are available. E-Strategy is UBC’s framework for how we use information technology for advancing UBC’s Vision … Continue reading

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STLHE 2003 Workshop

Brian Lamb and I did a workshop together at the Society for Teaching in Higher Education called “Mining Shareable Content from Your Online Course Environment on Jun 11. 2003. Brian put together a set of resources in the form of … Continue reading

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First Canadian WebCT Users Conference

I attended the first WebCT Canadian Users conference this past week (Jun 16-18, 2003). Susan Stein and her talented crew from the University of Alberta were excellent Hosts… and a good time was had by all! I was able to … Continue reading

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Learning Objects: Brian’s Blog

Like I’m going to even try and do anything in this “Learning Objects” category! The best place.. (OK, I’m biaised, I work for the guy… wait, I think he works for me… whatever!) I know to look for information on … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Objects | 1 Comment

Strange Layout it is…

Ok… The next thing I need to figure out is how not to have a liquid column. Is it in the stylesheet or is it in the css file. Oh my goodness, am I going to have to read a … Continue reading

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Western Washington University

Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA, USA has a budding inititative in providing web based access to analytical instruments. UBC, through pilot projects with the FAculty of Phamaceutical Sciences and the Office of Learning Technology, is currently scoping out a … Continue reading

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Article: Directions in e-Portfolio Development

Gibson, D. & Barrett, H. (2003). Directions in electronic portfolio development. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, [Online serial], 2(4). Available: Bob Bruce (Faculty of Education, UBC) forwarded this article. It nicely outlines some considerations for e-Portfolio development … Continue reading

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