e-Strategy Newsletter Article: How Can We Avoid the Pitfalls of Learning Objects and use them Effectively Instead?

My colleague Brian Lamb delivers another excellent summary of some of the issues related to learning object development in the latest e-Strategy newsletter…

How Can We Avoid the Pitfalls of Learning Objects and use them Effectively Instead?

This month Brian looks at three key challenges associated with the learning object approach

— pedgagy (where is the learning?)
— intellectual property and
— work X3

Brian argues that despite these obstacles, the commmunity is moving the effort ahead…

At then end of the day, this effort is about improving teaching and learning, and we are making excellent progress…

Gotta believe…

I love working here at UBC!

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Re-usable Learning objects competition — from Singapore

Via Ray Schroeder’s Online Learning Update comes this link to an article describing some of the community engagement efforts of the E-Learning Competency Centrein Singapore.

Computerworld Singapore – Vol. 10 Issue No. 8, 26 November – 2 December 2003 – Promoting e-learning standards through RLOs

The Learning Objects themselves are quite stunning ..

The range is impressive – Ideal Gas Lab object, Time Management, Respitory System, organising a story…


Well worth the time checking it out…

While you are there, definitely spend some time at the E-Learning Competency Centre site…. I think all of us struggle with how we engage our respective communities in LO efforts, and there is certainly a motherload of ideas here!

Definitely check out the presentation by Kau Poh Moi (alacarte ELEARNING Pte Ltd) from the the E-learning Practitioners’ Forum 5, “The mouse, keyboard, neurons, and grey matter”, described as follows on the site:

“…a sharing session on what to bear in mind when designing strategies for engaging the learner. She also included examples during her presentation which can be found in her slides.”

She weaves the voice of what I believe are some workshop or forum (?) participants into the presentation, while providing her own thoughts, the words/ideas of some well known people in the field, and excellent resource links…

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Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators – Assessment Rubric

Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators – Assessment Rubrics

At the Discovery.com site, a good listing of assessment tools, focusing in on rubrics. There are four links for e-Portfolios.

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Opus is Back!

I might be the only person in the world that did not realize it was coming…

But boy was it awesome to see Opus back in the local funnies (featured in our Vancouver Province today)….

Now, if I could only find it online somewhere as well..

Funny… I never thought I would be doing what I am doing ten years ago either..

Sheez, I had heard of e-mail, even used it a little… but the WWW, web-based learning and blogs were but a twinkle in other people’s eyes..

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Illustrated MT Templates


Nice explanation of templates in movable type….

I like it when there are pictures!

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The Ray Schroeder Blog Suite — Most Excellent Blogs!

I am so glad I ran across, and now have Ray Schroeder’s blogs on my RSS Reader…

Educational Technology

Techno-News Blog

Online Learning Update

Everyday I find at least one post to be valuable, like today’s link to the cell biology animation by John Kyrk (http://www.johnkyrk.com/), as well as the link to the The NSDL Scout Report for the Life Sciences, http://scout.wisc.edu/ – a site I know about, but need to remember to visit more often….

Hmm.. I should see if THEY have an RSS feed! (Silly me)

Posted in Teaching & Learning Online | 1 Comment

e-Portfolio Day at UBC Robson Square, December 5, 2003

I mentioned that I would post a note about our upcoming e-Portfolio event on my blog… and here it is! I beleive that this will be the first event of its kind in BC — > and we hope to draw a broad cross section of educators and professionals….

Electronic Portfolios: More than a 21st Century Resume

Date: December 5, 2003
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: UBC Robson Square Theatre C300
800 Robson St, Vancouver
Cost: $50.00 plus GST ($53.50)
Pre-registration required

Educators worldwide are actively evaluating the potential of electronic portfolios to enhance and support school-based learning, lifelong learning and professional practice. On December 5, 2003, please join the members of UBC’s e-Portfolio Community of Practice and their special guests at UBC Robson Square Campus for a unique Professional Development opportunity – Electronic Portfolios: More than A 21st Century Resume. This full day event will draw together post-secondary and K-12 educators, government personnel, industry developers and working professionals to examine the pedagogical foundations, technical considerations and community of practice development opportunities associated with e-portfolios.

Selected contributors to this event include:

Karen Belfer, e-Portfolio Community of Practice Coordinator, University of British Columbia
Darren Cambridge, American Association of Higher Education and 2003 NLII Fellow.
Beth Hawkes, Co-Director, Career Connections, University of British Columbia
Michelle Lamberson, Director, Learning Technology, University of British Columbia
Cyprien Lomas, Research Associate, Skylight, University of British Columbia and 2004 NLII Fellow
Tom Lewis, Director, Educational Technology Development Group, University of Washington

Find out more (agenda) | Register online (Visa and MasterCard only

For registration information, including group registration, contact: career.connections@ubc.ca or 604 822 8658

For program information contact: eport-ubc@interchange.ubc.ca or 604-827-5162

This event is jointly sponsored by the
– UBC ePortfolio Community of Practice
– UBC Career Connections
– The UBC Office of Learning Technology

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Earth as Art

From Teaching and Developing online comes this extraordinary link…

Earth as Art — one of the Library of Congress Collections.

These are the sites that draw me back to my geological roots… Ok, they just make me say ..

ooooooo….. pretty…..

Posted in Fun Stuff | 1 Comment

Stephen F Austin Faculty Development Article in Technology Source

I saw the link to this article in Online Learning Update

The latest Technology Source (Nov/Dec 2003) contains an excellent article by Gail Weatherly and Randy McDonald of Stephen F Austin:

Where Technology and Course Development Meet

The authors outline Stephen F Austin University’s the faculty development, course development and technology training strategy.

I have seen a number of articles that outline these kinds of strategies, but what is really unique about this one is the depth of linked resources. Do investigate the linked Tables and Exhibits …. Included are workshop outlines, job aids, references on instructional design, links to complementary resources…


Kudos to them for their generosity — as well as for an excellent article that demonstrates how one can weave pedagogy into technology training in an effective way.

This is one of those articles that just fill one’s head with ideas….

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Excellent e-Portfolio White Paper

Largely under-noticed (but I have probably missed blogposts on this given that my head has been down…)…

On Nov 3, in time for Educause, the e-Port Consortium released an excellent white paper on e-Portfolios, accessible through:


This paper, a collaborative effort of educators, and university and commercial developers, has something in it for everyone, and will serve as a good summary for people looking to get engaged in e-portfolio work.

The use cases described, the diagrams (being visual – these are my favorite part of any paper) depicting relationships with other systems and standards considerations, and the links to other e-Portfolio projects are all quite valuable.

To get an idea of the depth of the coverage, here is an excerpt from the Introduction:

“The first three sections of this white paper focus on the user perspective and provide a conceptual overview, describe possible scenarios and consider potential benefits. Sections four, five and six focus on the technical aspects of ePortfolios and include discussions on system infrastructure, interoperability and standards, and deployment challenges. Sections seven and eight provide overviews of commercial offerings and a summary of academic electronic portfolio projects. Details from the survey of electronic portfolio projects used for Section eight are in the Appendix. Depending on interest and expertise, a reader can select the sections that are most relevant.”

Kudo’s to the collaborators! We’ll be circulating this widely within UBC, and will certainly be making this available to anyone who participate in our December 5 e-Portfolio Day (more on that in another post).

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