Remote Participation in Inquiry links

From: elearnspace blog comes a link to a nice set of resources focused on “Remote Participation in Inquiry Learning“, which is in turn linked to Remote Observation Tools and Strategies.
Both of these sets of resources will be useful to the work we have planned for the Integrated Lab Network (UBC & Western Washington University).

Looks like some good links for our Virtual Lab researchers as well!

Oh, my, I do like the virtual field trip resources! Reminds me a bit of the one that we did ages ago (circa 1996, I think) with Kurt Grimm of UBC, The Permian Reef Complex (Delaware Basin) of West Texas.

Brian.. remind me to put a link to that set in CAREO!

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E-Portfolio Article in E-Strategy Newsletter

Can’t believe I failed to post this one…

We have a significant e-portfolio effort ongoing at UBC. In August, the project was feature in our “E-Strategy” newsletter. The article, New e-Portfolio Project Creates Online Showcase for UBC Students and Faculty, provides some insight into the technology, process and project.

We’ll definitely be posting more on this soon (since we launch, gulp, next week)!

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Hurricane Journalists

OK, as I sit and watch a compilation of video clips from journalists covering the hurricane, I have to ask…

“WHY DON”T YOU GO INSIDE?”When nature decides to send 160 KM winds, there is no obligation to demonstrate that you are so silly as to go out and experience them. If you have to hold on to a large concrete planter so as not to be blown away, if people are inside of large trucks, and they are pointing at you and laughing….



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Friends… such an excellent line

From Joey to the starry-eyed paleontologist (puh-leeze, autographs???? for ROSS???)..

You don’t have a TV? What does all your furniture point to ???
(… confused look…)

Oh, no… I can relate!As I watch all of these home reno shows, and ask — um… where does the TV sit? Like, why have you placed the speakers behind the couch????


Of course, I have just bought my first pair of glasses. Sigh…. age. Getting better (and more far-sighted…) every day…..

OK… I also laughed at the reference to the “heads are already too big, which is ironic considering…”

Old, getting blind, and a geo-geek.


Not only that… PLEASE… I BEG YOU… stop mentioning Carbon 14 dating and dinosaur ages together… Ross… if you really have a PhD in geology, STOP THAT! You are embarassing us all.

Michelle, he is not real. Cheez… its not like he’s Picard!

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CMS Paper out there…

Earlier this year Brian and I participated in the OLN Institute at Ohio State called “Building and Assessing Shareable Content” .

Well, the proceedings for the conference, a book titled “Learning Objects: Contexts and Connections” (Catherine M. Gynn and Stephen R. Acker, Editors) is now out and and Catie Gynn of Ohio State says its OK to post the URL for it…

This is about 1.1 meg … I’ve provided a content listing at the end of this post…If you have any comments about the publication as a whole, Catie ( would love to hear from you. The target audience is those participating in the LO Community projects, particularly faculty.

The paper for that Brian and I wrote, called “Course Management Systems: Trapped Content Silos or Sharing Platforms?” (page 59) is part of this volume… . and gulp, is out and available. We were looking at the idea of content in course management systems — from a generic perspective — is content trapped once its been placed in a CMS? What needs to be considered? The target for this paper is non-technical…

I think that whole space is shifting rapdily and in really good directions. Have to say the import and export feature of WebCT 4.1, which allows for portability at the module, not course level, is really cool! But I have blogged on that before….

This is the first paper I have been involved in writing in a while…

Kind of a scary process to dive back into that. Writing — .

But all and all, it was fun! Glad we had Catie Gynn to push us, for sure! I’m intending to do more in-depth research on this and hopefully followup with another publication that’s deeper.

In adddition to ours (which I’ll classify as unclassified), there are lots of good papers in that volume (see list below). Catie and Steve have done an awesome job pulling this together… This is well worth the read and hot off the press!

  • The Challenges of Collaborative Knowledge
    James A. Anderson — University of Utah

  • The Coming Collision Between Automated Instruction and Social Constructivism
    David Wiley — Utah State University

  • Universal Design for Learning
    Margo Izzo and Alexa Murray — The Ohio State University

  • Using Metadata Standards to Support Interoperability
    Kimberly S. Lightle — Eisenhower National Clearinghouse

  • Beyond the LOM: A New Generation of Specifications
    Michael Halm — Pennsylvania State University

  • Course Management Systems: Trapped Content Silos or Sharing Platforms?
    Michelle N. Lamberson and Brian Lamb
    The University of British Columbia

  • Project Management of Your Learning Community
    Catherine Gynn — The Ohio State University

  • Is the Academy Ready for Learning Objects?
    Stephen R. Acker, Dennis K. Pearl, and Steven W. Rissing
    The Ohio State University

  • XML and XSLT Approaches to Integrating Learning Objects from Multiple Sources
    Jonathan Gladden and Stephen R. Acker
    The Ohio State University

  • Learning Styles and Learning Objects
    Amod Damle and Stephen R. Acker
    The Ohio State University

  • A Graduate Course in Learning Objects: A Project of Iterative Design
    James K. Bracken and Stephen R. Acker
    The Ohio State University

  • A Graduate Course in Learning Objects: Visualizing Knowledge in New
    Educational Environments
    Susan Metros — The Ohio State University

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Best Reads for Student Assistants?

We’re coming down from the beginning of the year madness… to a certain extent…

But we have some very nice projects starting up, and several new students starting to work with us at the Office of Learning Technology. Be curious if anyone has some good links to resources for students that are just getting into this field?

  • Good learning technology overview articles to read? I’m going to start with:
  • Good “learn it yourself” resource sites for web publishing, graphics, and writing? When I was at UBC in the mid-90’s I used the “learning HTML” tutorial at Maricopa …
    –> Alan, you have no idea the number of students at UBC that learned HTML through the “Learning HTML site — how is that redesign coming < grin >?

  • a good “technology primer ” that describes the campus IT architecture? I’m looking to make sure that we can easily describe the architecture pieces…

Anyway… just curious about what types of things aother people are doing!

If you have any ideas or resource links…. I’d love to hear ’em!

Posted in UBC Strategic Efforts | 2 Comments

I’m here…

Yup, I’ve moved…. Postings have made their way from Jim Sibley’s world to here…. think I caught them all..

Looks the same, though…


The photo is in honour of the new partying spirit of the weblog. Thanks for the name, Brian!

Can you guess the era?

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Real Life, Real Reasons.. WOW!

If you want to get a good sense of some real reasons students take online courses, check out this posting from Darren Cannell’s relatively new Virtual Schools blog, “Teaching and Developing Online“.

Their student’s reasons are diverse, their goals are different…
(never realised some university students take high school courses online… )

And they are so real…

I don’t think I have read anything more motivating in terms of the work we do in a long time….


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I’m back!

Had a bit of a hiatus there, caused by some technical issues as well as being crazy busy… and distracted by fires and things.

No doubt the world has continued along as it should…

Posted in Fun Stuff | 1 Comment

Centre for Recording Achievement (UK)

This link came via the Electronic Portfolio Virtual Community of Practice List:

the UK based Centre for Recording Achievement.

This UK organization is deeply involved in the details of how one makes a concrete record of learning available to the student – in my mind, a key piece of the puzzle to enabling a learner/learning centred environment.

>From their site:
“…The Centre for Recording Achievement (CRA) is a national network organisation which supports good practice and the sharing of experience in Recording Achievement, Personal Development Planning and Progress Files within educational institutions and professional bodies”

It looks like they are very involved in standards development work, particularly that which related to the IMS LIP.

I found the PPT presentation, IMS LIP specification & PDP really interesting, particularly slides 21 – 27, where they dive into the nitty gritty spec elements that need to be addressed. Slide 22 certainly caught my attention – – if LIP 1.0 does not accomodate personal statements, reflective writing, and journal entries, then that is a serious gap and needs to be addressed. One of the key reasons we are investigating e-Portfolios is to encourage reflective practice….

They have certainly thought through quite a bit of this! Cool! Looks like I need to spend more time here.

They point to a recently published research study delving into “The effectiveness of personal development planning for improving student learning“, which looks like a comprehensive review of the subject. This looks to be quite a valuable resource…

Nice way to start a Monday…

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