
When Barbara Cambridge, VP of the AAHE visited us this past spring, she introduced us to a couple of techniques that helped us understand e-Portfolios better. One of these is cubing: a writing technique that steps a persone through looking at an issue from 6 different sides. I found a couple of good links that describe the technique…

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E-Portfolio Initiative Information Session

In early June, a group of us did an information session at the e-Strategy Town Hall, e-Portfolios: An Emerging Community of Practice” that outlined the scope of our initiative, plus some early work on looking at some of the systems.

It’s really good to have two students involved in the project:
– Erin Biddlecombe , Student Staff, Student Information Systems, UBC
– Sigal Stein , Student Staff, Student Information Systems, UBC

They provide us with excellent insight on student perceptions and motivation — always a good really check! The Presentation Slides (PDF: 1.67 MB) are available.

I expect we’ll have an active web site up and going soon, with Karen Belfer coming on board as the E-Portfolios Community of Practice Coordinator (on secondment from DE&T – and we’re lucky to have her!).

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Mixed Mode Course Links

Here at UBC, we have a mixed mode course development initiative underway. Below are some links for more information related to this type of development:

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The E-Strategy Town Hall

In early June we had the annual e-Strategy Town Hall. It’s a site well worth visiting… many of the presentations, including Richard Katz’s keynote are available.

E-Strategy is UBC’s framework for how we use information technology for advancing UBC’s Vision (Trek 2000) and Academic Plan.

I gave a short presentation, “e-Learning Across the Enterprise: Snapshots of the UBC Community”, delivered at a speed just under that of light, on the campus e-learning initiatives. What a fun thing to discuss — so much is going on!

I knew that the communication folks were going to put the presentation (warning , 5 meg or so) online, but … I was not quite tracking that they were going to stream the video. ACK!!!! 30 Seconds — that is MAYBE all I can take. It is always somewhat unsettling to hear one’s voice…. but to see myself as well. SCARY!!

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STLHE 2003 Workshop

Brian Lamb and I did a workshop together at the Society for Teaching in Higher Education called “Mining Shareable Content from Your Online Course Environment on Jun 11. 2003. Brian put together a set of resources in the form of a Wiki .

Our presentation for that workshop is available
here (900 KB or so). Similar material was used in my presentation for the WebCT Canadian Users conference (see the Jun 21 Posting).

A lot of the ideas for this work started back in January when Brian and I participated in the OLN Institute at Ohio State called “Building and Assessing Shareable Content a conference at Ohio State.

We’ve been asked to comment further on the subject, which we are currently working on. If you want to see some of the comments of the other leaders, visit the web site.

That and more related materials are contained within the web site of the Ohio Learning Network Learning Communities Summit of Wednesday, June 18, 2003.

All pretty cool and exciting to be part of!

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First Canadian WebCT Users Conference

I attended the first WebCT Canadian Users conference this past week (Jun 16-18, 2003).

Susan Stein and her talented crew from the University of Alberta were excellent Hosts… and a good time was had by all!

I was able to give a talk about shareable content that included a variety of topics:

1) what do you want to share (if you want to share)
2) what kinds of things can be shared using WebCT
3) an overview of the import-export features of WebCT 4.0
4) RSS feeds in WebCT

It was a lot of fun! If you are interested, the presentation I used is located here.

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Learning Objects: Brian’s Blog

Like I’m going to even try and do anything in this “Learning Objects” category!

The best place..
(OK, I’m biaised, I work for the guy… wait, I think he works for me…

I know to look for information on Learning Objects, particularly here at UBC, is to take a trip to Brian Lamb’s Learning Object universe:

LO’s @ UBC:
Look at the links.. pretty cool…

Brian’s personal (is there really such a thing?) blog, Object Learning is another great place…

Brian’s universe is hosted on hallowed electronic ground…
David Wiley’s world (autounfocus):

At some point in time (please note, I am a geologist so my time sense is somewhat skewed), I will add an RSS feed for Brian’s site here.

More someday…

Posted in Learning Objects | 1 Comment

Strange Layout it is…

Ok… The next thing I need to figure out is how not to have a liquid column. Is it in the stylesheet or is it in the css file.

Oh my goodness, am I going to have to read a MANUAL??

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Western Washington University

Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA, USA has a budding inititative in providing web based access to analytical instruments. UBC, through pilot projects with the FAculty of Phamaceutical Sciences and the Office of Learning Technology, is currently scoping out a pilot project for Fall, 2003.

Check out their site:

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Article: Directions in e-Portfolio Development

Gibson, D. & Barrett, H. (2003). Directions in electronic portfolio development. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, [Online serial], 2(4). Available: Bob Bruce (Faculty of Education, UBC) forwarded this article. It nicely outlines some considerations for e-Portfolio development — pros and cons of customized and generic approaches. Check out Table 11.

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