Nice Flash example – American Sign Language

From Tom King’s weblog comes a link to a sweet Mobile Learning Example – ” a mobilized study aid for American Sign Language“.

Think I need to let my Mobile Muse colleagues know about this one!

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Reusability Considerations

The Storyboarding editorial linked earlier reminded me of a site that Brian pointed me a while back – The Reusable Learning- Reusable Design Guidelines section outlines five considerations for design (context, pedagogy, structure, content, presentation) .

I’m increasingly convinced that the “guidelines” piece of any site is useful, but the necessary second part of equation are the examples provided. The Resuability site does provide some useful examples!

(Our e-portfolio experience emphasizes/underlines that need!)

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Storyboarding for Reusable Content

From ADL, a nice succinct article/editorial (authored by Megan Beyer) containing a set of considerations when designing content for re-use:

Storyboarding For Reusable Content.

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Opera and Voice-Enabled Technologies

I’m just bookmarking this…

unmediated: Opera launches voice-enabled EPG

I’m interested in the whole concept of how we can start to incorporate voice into technologies.

Voice to text in particular interests me….

There are a few things in this post that I want to “collect” and perhaps later reflect uopn..

1) Didn’t know Opera was involved in the consumer side (not sure why I did not know this, but..)

2) Need to check out the voice enabled edition of the browser.

3) XML is just so flexible…

Can’t help get the image of Scotty speaking into a mouse (computer….) out of my head…

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Electronic Vote Systems – Good Overview

Steve Draper of Glasgow University provides a good overview and a set of good resource links for
Electronic Voting Systems and interactive lectures.

He has very good short and long overviews of the teaching and leanring benefits of this suite of learning technologies and methods.

This is part of the Interactive lectures interest group (ILIG): main website index page. This site has a stunning wealth of information, include methods, research links, usage information,… on designing for interactivity in lectures…

Well worth a lengthy peruse…

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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Journal

We have a new institute for the scholarship of teaching and learning here at UBC (see

I saw a link to MountainRise, an electronic journal designed to publish this type of research on the EduResources Weblog–Higher Education Resources Online weblog and wanted to bookmark it here.

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University -Business Agreements – UK

BBC NEWS | Education | University-business links boosted

The Model agreement s are shown at:

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HSDPA – high speed mobile wireless

Via Techno-NewsBlog..

Bookmarked for later viewing… An explanation and look at the latest in high speed mobile access…

InfoWorld: HSDPA is a mouthful for speed: February 16, 2005: By : NETWORKING : TELECOM : WIRELESS

From the 3GSM World Congress.

Networking is an area that is certainly know for its acronymity, so if you are unfamiliar with the terminology/issues — the article does provide good info for the newbie..

Posted in Networking & Other Technologies | 1 Comment

Tsunami Account

This will also be posted on Rock Blog

From Andrew Alden’s Geology site comes a link to a personal account of the tsunami by Chris Chapman, scientific advisor at Schlumberger Cambridge Research.

The Asian Tsunami in Sri Lanka: A Personal Experience

When I read this, my geologist and educators lives come together…

It’s fascinating to read how a professional geologist viewed the series of events that comprise the tsunami — I was again struck by the fact the “tsunami” was not a singular event. The earth’s bell was rung. What happens as a bell tone rings out? The sound bounces all over the place and slowly fades way. That comes through in his description.

The animations at the bottom of the page are very good as well.. I’ll need to look at those for my next teaching experience…

I also think of “reflection” (the e-portfolio side of my brain) when I read his account. He describes the event, but also reflects on the experience – integrating his personal and professional lives in a compelling way.

It’s really interesting to see how the scientist “lens”/”viewpoint” comes through in this account. Our disciplines do affect how we see the world…

My husband (also a geologist) and I have more than once wondered how we would have reacted had we noticed the odd behaviour of the oceans, or felt the original quake…

He claims that I would have had the laptop with me on the beach and would have checked my RSS feeds for an earthquake. I’m not sure of I am being complimented or insulted with that one… Am I really THAT geeky? Sigh.. don’t answer that…

I only hope that we would have reacted as courageously as Dr. Graham and his wife did….

BTW… the technical/physics account is available on the EOS site,

Thanks for the excellent link, Andrew!

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Draw Plugin for Twiki | FreeMind

I’m just bookmarking this for now. Seems like a pretty interesting concept.

Wikis are such powerful tools for brainstorming, collecting resources collaboratively etc. Adding this kind of functionality would be pretty interesting for doing concept maps, etc.

I wonder if other wikis can have this type of capability?


I found the twiki link by following resources on the home page of another intriguing looking piece of software — FreeMind. FreeMind is an Open Source “Mind Mapping” piece of software. I played with MindMapper a few years back and really liked it. Not sure why I did not keep using it…

I think I’ll try this one.

I do like all of the complementary information at this site — comparisons with other pieces of software, types of uses, etc..

I noticed the reference to using the tool as an outliner. I’ll need to tell Cyprien about that — he has in interest in these types of tools…

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