Practicum – Week 9

As we wind up our practicum, I feel like I am just getting into the rhythm of how I would like my class to be.  Two major activities this week I tried were paper airplanes to collect data for math and a demonstration on viscosity using a bottle of water and a bottle of corn starch.  Both of these activities had their pros and cons.  I found it frustrating to try to do activities to help students learn and enjoy classes, only to have them act out and not participate.  I still can not get over how some students do not see that we are trying to act in their best interest.  I have also been continuing teaching badminton in PE.  The hardest part for me is keeping all the students active.  In one gym there are always 2-5 students that do not have space to participate so it is difficult to rotate everyone through and keep them engaged.  Overall, it was a great week and I can not believe that it is almost the end.

Planning for PE

Challenge often pushes us to accomplish more than we imagined we could.  In order to be great teachers, we must be challenged.  In completing a unit plan for physical education, we were challenged to not make a basic plan, but to make a complete and complex plan. After completing it, I am quite pleased and proud of what we have done.  I have to say thank you to my partner Ashley Metcalfe for her contribution to the process as well.  EDCP 322A – Unit Plan – metcalfe burge