Block D



Welcome to Biology 11!

Here is where I will post worksheets, comments and other facts relevant to the course.

Please use the comments section to ask any questions about the course you would like.  And feel free to use it as a discussion forum to answer each other’s questions as well.

Biology 11 – Course Outline


Well Done on your Candy DNA! Everyone did a great job matching their marshmallow nucleotide bases.

Here is the answer key to the “Have your DNA and Eat it Too!” worksheet

Biology 11 – Evolution Lesson 2 – Candy DNA Follow up Questions Answer Key


The answer key to the Transcription worksheet.

Biology 11 – Evolution Lesson 3 – Base Pair Worksheet Answer Key


Answer Key to the Protein Synthesis worksheet

Biology 11 - Evolution Lesson 4 - Transcription-Translation worksheet Answer Key


Answer Key to Mutations worksheet.

Biology 11 – Evolution Lesson 6 – Mutation worksheet Answer Key


Answer Key to the Safety Quiz

Biology 11 – Evolution Lesson 7 – Safety Quiz Answer Key


The Genetics Review Answer Key, as promised!

Don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep! REM sleep converts your studying to memory!!

I know you’ll all do great!!

Biology 11 – Evolution Lesson 9 – Genetics Review Answer Key

I will check this periodically throughout the night, so if you have any questions, leave a comment. 🙂


“History of the Earth” Timeline Criteria

Total: /20


(Was everything spelled correctly? Did the sentences make sense?)

Content – 5

(Did you have all of the necessary content, is it relevant?)

Creativity – 5

(Did you use any colour or pictures?)

Organization – 8

(Was your labeling neat and well organized?  Can you read everything well?)



▪Use 3 blank sheets of paper

▪Create a linear timeline on the History of the Earth


–Dates (proportionally)

– Each Era (4) and Period (11)

– 15 significant dates (Such as when life began or when humans first appeared)

– Use page 276-277 for help


** The Learning Outcomes for the Evolution Test**

– Describe the 5 agents of evolutionary change: mutations, genetic drift, genetic flow, non-random selection and natural selection

– Compare and Contrast divergent evolution, convergent evolution and speciation (have an example for each)

– Compare gradualism and punctuated equilibrium

(don’t panic yet, we will be doing genetic drift and flow on Wed. and gradualism and punctuated equilibrium on Thurs.)


Answer Key to Genetics and Evolution Questions

Biology 11 – Evolution Lesson 14 – Genetics and Evolution Question sheet Answer Key


Answer Key to Evolution Review

Biology 11 – Evolution Lesson 17 – Evolution Review Answer Key


Taxonomy Slides

Biology 11 – Ecology Lesson 4


Taxonomy Notes Answer Key

Biology 11 – Ecology Lesson 1 Taxonomy Worksheet Answer Key



1/3 Genetics

1/3 Evolution

1/3 Taxonomy + Ecology


About half of the test will be multiple choice or matching and the other half will be short and long answer.

Covered Chapters: 7, 9 (sections 1 +2), 11 (sections 1 +2), 12 (section 1), 13, 14, 15, 47 (section 4), 48

We also spent time on types of mutations (ie. insertion, deletion and substitution) not found in the textbook.


Answer Key to Taxonomy/Ecology Review

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 6 – Midterm review, taxonomy and ecology – Answer Key


Ecology Quiz Answer Key

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 2 Ecology Quiz A – answer key


Bacteria and Antibiotics – Answer Key

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 10 Questions Worksheet Answer Key


Are they Alive?  Virus Worksheet Answer Key

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 1 Viruses Are they Alive Worksheet Answer Key


Littlest Organism Worksheet Answer Key

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 4 Littlest Organism worksheet Answer Key


Lecture Slides that may prove useful

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 3

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 9

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 6


Viruses Answer Key

Biology 11 – Ecology Lesson 8 – Virus Worksheet Answer Key


Bacteria and Antibiotics Worksheet Answer Key

Biology 11 – Prokaryotes Lesson 10 Questions Worksheet Answer Key


Anything that needs to be handed in to me now, should be emailed to me:  !!!!!!!!

Bacteria Everywhere! Worksheet Coming Soon


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