Join us for a free professional headshot session, network with fellow DAP students, and learn about how to prepare for CPA Spring Recruit and future employment opportunities.
- Thursday, February 15th
- Room details to be announced
- 4:00 – 6:00 pm
What’s included:
- Free professional LinkedIn headshot
- Free pizza, while it lasts!
- The headshots will be taken from waist-up, so professional attire on the top is recommended. Jeans are okay.
- We are not accepting RSVPs at this time, both events are drop-in only.
Do you have a live-online class on Monday or Thursday night?
- Don’t worry, we booked ANGU 350 from 6:30PM – 9:30PM for any students who wish to use the space for hybrid learning
- Please remember to bring headphones as you’ll be sharing the space with other students