DAP Prep Course

New to DAP

DAP Prep Course

The DAP Prep Course provides a review on quantitative methods, Excel and academic integrity. All incoming students will be given access to the course at no additional cost approximately 2 months prior to their program start date. Once this access has been granted, you can complete the course at your own pace. While you have until the add/drop deadline of your first term to complete the course, it is strongly recommended that you complete the course before classes begin.

Upcoming availability dates are as follows:

  • May start date – early March
  • September start date – early July
  • January start date – early November

What is covered in the course?

All of the topics covered in the DAP Prep Course are considered assumed knowledge for starting your studies in DAP.

Quantitative Methods (QM)
Quantitative Methods (QM)

The QM section of the course offers a review of ratios, proportions and percent, and time value of money. These sections will deal with both concepts and techniques, and the material will be taught using practical examples and problems. Upon completion of the QM topics covered in the course, you should be able to apply the appropriate tools in the QM toolkit to solving various types of business problems and decision-making scenarios.

For each QM topic, you will find a short self-assessment test that will help you to gauge your proficiency in the given topic. These short pre-assessment tests are mandatory for all students. Students who score less than 80% on the self-assessment tests are strongly encouraged to complete the full review of that topic.


The Excel section of the course will cover basics in Excel while working through quantitative problems.

To get started, you’ll need to have a current version of Excel installed on your computer. If you don’t already have Excel, a free subscription to Office 365 is available for current UBC students, which includes Excel.

There will be a mandatory pre-assessment quiz that must be completed to assess your knowledge on Excel. As with the QM topics, students who score less than 80% on the self-assessment test are strongly encouraged to complete the full review of this module.

Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity

As aspiring professionals in the accounting industry and a member of the UBC community, you are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner and behave responsibly. Part of your responsibilities include upholding an implied contract with UBC that you are bound by as a UBC student.

The module consists of resources and learning activities.

How long will it take to complete the course?

For students who have a strong proficiency in the topics covered, it should take no longer than 2 hours to complete. Students requiring the full review of the topics will need approximately 15-20 hours to complete.

How do I complete the course?

Once you have completed all the pre-assessment topic quizzes and the Academic Integrity module, the final step is to confirm your completion of the course by submitting the Course Completion Pledge.

You will have until the add/drop deadline of your first term of study to complete the course.

How long will I have access to the course?

You will be able to access the online course for 24 months after your program start date.

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