Breaking News

Hillary’s On Strike Blog has a nice overview from a rank and file teacher’s perspective of the recent developments.

Surrey Teacher’s Association Recommends No Vote Nine Reasons to Vote No Download file here.

President of Sunshine Coast T.A. gives his personal reasons for voting yes (Click here to read.)

Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association Exec not making a recommendation. See here for details.

Flag at Halfmast. From as long as it takes

Premier’s Office Recommends Unconditional Acceptance of Report.

At an early-morning news conference, meanwhile, B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell also said his government is prepared to accept the facilitator’s report unconditionally, calling it a “constructive framework” for education in the province.

Read the full story in The Globe and Mail

BCTF executive calls for conditional acceptance of the Ready Report. Speaking on CBC Radio this morning, Jinny Simms announced the executive’s decision. If the government will guarantee legislating class size and composition issues by June of 2006 Simms will reluctantly recommend acceptance.

“If they give to us, in writing, a commitment that before the end of June, they will put in place firm numbers in the School Act for grades 4 to 12, and address class composition in the School Act, then we will recommend to our membership, reluctantly, but we will, for our members to vote on Saturday and Sunday so that our students can be back at school on Monday morning.” Jinny Simms on CBC Radio this morning.

Full Story, click here.

Liberal’s true colours revealed: De Jong refuses to commit to amendments to School Act.

One question comes to mind: Why wait until June 2006? It took the liberals less than a week to pass bill 12. I am sure that the passage of amendments to the School Act that enshrines appropriate class size limits and composition would pass easily and quickly.