Before you collect, get prepared!

  • Make sure to always have water and food, no matter how short the trip or hike.
  • Always collect with a buddy. The world is a dangerous place and you are less likely to be approached by dangerous wildlife (bears, cougars and other predators) and strangers when you are with 2 or more people. This also means if one of you gets hurt, the other person can get help. And I think we all can agree, adventures and plant hunting is always better with a friend.
  • Leave a detailed plan with a ‘stay at home partner’ (mine is my mother and sister). Send them a detailed itinerary and I give them final date of return. If they do not hear from you by this date, then they should call for help.
  • If you are driving, make sure you check your car fluids (oil, radiator, gas and wiper fluid) and make sure your tires are properly filled and don’t forget to check your spare tire!
  • If you plan to collect in more remote and dangerous regions, you can always buy a satellite phone for remote communications.
  • If you plan to go to wilder regions known to have bears, bring bear spray and read the directions carefully or you could end up spraying yourself!

NOTE: Remember, many trails can be closed early in the season due to wash outs and fallen logs, roads could be closed, and snow could be at a lower elevation than you imagined, so you will not be able to get to your favorite high alpine ecosystem. Make sure to check out these resources before you leave as all of these situations can greatly hinder your hike to your favourite wildflower meadow.