Songs about the ocean make me happy.

Because they make me think of here. Now you should know that I also have – pause to count ’em – 27 playlists on iTunes based on mood, lyrics and activity. Possibly even day. i.e. Mood: Sleepy (Okay not so weird) Lyrics: NYC (What? There’s a lot of songs that are related to the Big Apple and I like to conveniently listen to them altogether) Activity: Running (Reasonable playlist) Day: Saturday. (Really happy music to wake me out of bed and be all “There’s goodness in the world let’s smile and get stuff done!”) Pathetic, but true. What gets you in a good mood?

Recently I’ve noticed that I’m listening to a lot of songs with the ocean mentioned in them. And they make me happy because I think of how just down my hall when I look out the window and Oh what’s that? The ocean.

So today this girl I know, who came from Ontario, returned back to rez. She asked me if, when I went back home for the holidays, if I felt like permanently staying back at home, as if I was just swept up with the comfort and nostalgia and how easy it would be not to come back out here. [Editor’s note: This post is in no way directed to this girl]. And my first thought was something along the lines of “NO. Why ever would you want to do that?”
I agree that the safety and comfort of home has it perks. Have I mentioned home cooked food? But yes, I’m lucky to even have parents with quite decent abilities of cooking.

But it made me think of my brother and how he used to tell me “If you’re bored, you’re just a boring person.” As in, there’s no use feeling lonely when all you have to do is just go out and meet people. There’s no use being bored when you can do something. Your experience is up to you. Skpe more if you miss your family. Call. But it seems like laziness is hindering some people’s university experience too. I understand that maybe not everyone is having an ah-may-zing (maybe with some extra spicy Italian zing) time ALL THE TIME. But newsflash: this is university. Some (hopefully most) of us are here for an education. Sure we all get caught up in a little UBC bubble. It happens. I’m sorry I can’t sympathize with people who don’t find it quite second home-esque here or even first home.

Don’t get me wrong, I get that it’s a huge jump and you have to take a risk. And maybe moving across the country didn’t work out. I met a great guy here but he moved back to the Atlantic coast. Do what you need to do. On both sides, don’t pretend like everyone is having the same experience as you. I’m just here to tell you about my experience. My experience being that everyday it actually kind of amazes me how I can’t imagine going anywhere else. Yeah, I get that the rain can be a little depressing. And so on one of the worst rainy days I’ve seen I will leave you with this wonderful little statistical fact my RA told me:

People who smile, laugh and tell themselves (SLASH/ Pretend) to be happy, causes the release of endorphins that actually make you happy.

It’s so crazy, it might just work. New playlist: Pacific Ocean.

They should invent bookmarks for life.

It would make it so much easier to pick up where things left off.

I’ve been back at Totem for 24 hours and that’s exactly how I feel. Like I just picked up everything as if I had never left. That may be because two of my courses are full year so I only have one new class. Super pumped for archaeology.

But I’m already diving headfirst into my busy schedule. I have volunteer training, going to my friend’s concert, Student Leadership Conference this Saturday, getting tickets for UBC’s Got Talent, have a list of stuff to go buy as soon as I get off campus to go shopping. Groceries is #1 on the list.

It’s kind of funny how I left for 3 weeks, but I really just clicked the pause button on Vancouver and suspended life. But hey, it hasn’t been all fun and games. Although I did spend a good chunk of yesterday giving piggy-backs, hugs and sitting on my friends shoulders I did have to write an essay and read a book. So I think it’s safe to say even after one day I’m back into the routine of things. This year I have a few new mottos:

Academic motto: Study. It’ll make you feel better. This used to be “Study as if you always have an exam” but that just got too stressful. It’s true. Once you’ve studied for a little bit and feel confident about the material you’ll feel better. Because you feel good when you have good grades.

Health motto: Work good to feel good. I mean work out. I’m not putting a number down. Just enough to know that I’m healthy. Swimming, running, yoga, Insanity workout, whatever.

Sleep motto: You really really do need sleep.

Fun motto: Remember why you’re here and enjoy yourself.

Sounds good to me. Goodluck with your own resolution, goals, whatever you’re working on.

Come Around Sundown

I’ll be miles high ringing in the New Year on a plane. But erm not part of that club…

I checked in already and it’s pretty full, I am so tempted to bring a bell and literally ring in 2011, or at least a blow up streamer whistle thingymerbobber.

2010’s been a real busy year for me and for all of us I think. There’s really been too much stuff to even try and wrap your head around the years events. I’m not even going to bother attempting a list right now.

As probably everyone else on the planet, today’s a day of reflection on how much has changed in a year. I recall last year scrambling to write up university supplemental. But I knew that in one year’s time I’d have accomplished so much and my life was going to have some massive changes. Last year I was looking forward to finishing my IB exams (check), graduating from high school (check), getting into my top university (check), exploring the world a little (check), moving across the country (check), becoming a university student (check), becoming a blogger? Who’d have guessed.

Those are all some pretty big milestones and what a great year to complete them a nice round number 2010.

Before I forget, not that I could forget, but that’s just a great transition…Shout out to one of my BFFLAAAAAAAAAAD Bobby Jim. That stands for best friend for life and after after after after after (you get the point) death. I come back home and basically just start acting and bugging him that he’s going to come and join me out here next year. This part sounds completely made up hahaha.

Seeing old friends again is great but to sum up my Christmas break in three words I’d say: whoa there technology. Mom and Pop got an eggsbox$3.60. I swear they’ve been planning this all along: buy the video games once all the children have moved out of the house. Brilliant, really. Gives us more of an excuse to come home. My Christmas gift highlight was definitely a swimsuit so I can finally take advantage of the free pool time for UBC students at the Aquatic Centre.

I feel a little bad that I’m leaving my Mom to pack up all the Christmas decorations. It’s been a great holiday. Of course a little sad to be leaving home. Sad about the food. I officially feel like Ugly Betty Season 4 with my new hair, new glasses – plum coloured if you’re wondering, but I have my classic shiny red ones as backup, and I’m moving this time I’m going alone.

New year, new city, new adventures.

Tonight enjoy yourself and relax. In West Indian culture we call is Old Year’s Night instead of New Year’s Eve. Which kind of describes how it’s should be the epitome of the entire year. Sum of everything together, the years accomplishments and successes. But it’s the start of something new. It’s one of those triple moments where the past, the present and the future kind of combine in some cosmic sense blurred into one. Unless your vision is just blurry from having too much egg nog.

Title of this post comes from my new favourite CD (people still use those – no way!? Wayyyyyy) from the most good lookin’ band of brothers. Calm down now 12 year old girls it’s Kings of Leon not the Jonases. Check this album out. Loving it.

So wherever you are tonight counting down the seconds, whether on a jet plane, on a couch, downtown on the streets, or in your friend’s basement. Be safe, be merry and cheers to 2011.

Here’s to the future, the world awaits.