Clubs Days- what did you join?

September 27th, 2010 § 5 comments

ŒI must confess, I was like a little kid with the amount of excitement I had for Clubs Days. I’m a commuter student, okay, and I felt like joining a club would be that one first step to take to really finding my place in uni. Goodness knows UBC pimps out the “Get Involved!!!!!!!!!!!!111111” slogan a lot, and Clubs Days seems like the kickoff event to that (at least, like I said, to a commuter student. No perks of being in close vicinity to fellow students for me, and no, the bus is not the best place for seeing the good in people, much less socializing- more on this at a later post).

Of course, me being me, I already did a bit of research and had a preeettyyy good idea of which clubs I wanted to join. Once in the SUB though, it became difficult to not just jump at the opportunity to join every club that interested me. They are not kidding when they say UBC has a great variety of clubs- there were clubs that catered to my sci-fi self, my performing self, my I-want-to-try-and-be-fit self, my raraFOREIGNAFFAIRS self, and many more. ‘Twas amazing.

Below is a list of nine clubs/societies/opportunities that caught my eye. A couple I’ve joined, some I’m going to join next year, others I’m still trying to decide if I should go to the first meeting. They all have great things to offer, though, and they really stood out to me, thus my listing them with loving detail.

(1) International Relations Students Association
ABOUT The biggest academic society on campus, and a club as popular as the major. Included in The Ubyssey‘s Clubs Days feature, so you probably know a good chunk about them (they host events like UBCMUN, Night of the Thousand Dinners, etc.). What really prompted me to join, though, was the IRSA’s upcoming Diplomacy 101 event. Dominika, our awesomesauce Student Development Assistant (and Blog Squad coordinator? Kind of?) so kindly remembered my mentioning my interest in IR and forwarded me the invitation. The mere idea of the event makes me squee and right then and there I knew I had to join.
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(2) Pre-Law Society
ABOUT Not really a club so much as a helpful resource for anyone going to law school or has an interest to law. They provide mentoring from law students, connections to professionals in the field, admission information on various law schools, discounts on prep courses, etc.
DID I JOIN? I’m still not quite sure if law school will be the right choice for me, so my joining won’t be until 2nd or 3rd year, when I’m a bit more certain.
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(3) Le Club Français
ABOUT Love (or at least an interest) in the French language and culture is what this club’s all about. There’s movie nights where you watch French movies (ever eccentric, French filmmakers), weekly meetings for conversations in French, outings to eat poutine, and crêpe sales. Magnifique indeed.
DID I JOIN? I love the French like no other- I really really do. Ask anyone who knows me. Alas, I’m not joining this year. Perhaps next year, when I won’t miss the weekly meetings and hopefully had survived FREN 122 and 123.
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(4) Kababayan- Filipino Students’ Association
ABOUT Like most cultural clubs, Kababayan connects Filipinos and anyone interested in the culture across campus, bringing them together for events that brim of Filipino hospitality and delicious food. :D
DID I JOIN? This was my funnest booth experience by far- the people at my booth were so welcoming and friendly, and really encouraged me to attend the icebreaker. Due to my workload though, I’m not attending (it’s tonight). I’m still not sure if I should join because I don’t want to be held back into joining other social groups, but I like the idea of going back to my roots and celebrating my identity. And the food’s a plus.
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(5) Astronomy Club
ABOUT Quite the low-key club, in which they welcome “students from any discipline” interested in Astronomy. They have monthly observing nights and sometimes discussion talks.
I might be in Arts, but I have an inexplicable love for astronomy and theoretical physics. WELL, I probably won’t understand most of the math, but I love the concepts and the theories and the great humbling effect of Astronomy. And who doesn’t love stargazing?
DID I JOIN? Yes, yes I did, and it shall be interesting (when I scanned the sign-up list, I saw that I was the first new member from Arts).
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(6) Antigone
ABOUT Their slogan brilliantly sums it up: “women, politics, women in politics, and the politics of being a woman”.
DID I JOIN? Another one of those clubs I wanted to join just from my experience at the booth- both the members gave me friendly smiles and explained to me what the organization did and how I can get involved. It’d be amazing to be part of it, but I’m not sure I’ll have the time. Nonetheless, I signed up for email updates and might attend a meeting for first impressions.
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ABOUT If you don’t know what a MUN is, you’re missing out on life. A speaker during my Imagine Day Meet The Dean session explains it as “dungeons and dragons for IR students” and it is true, and it is epic.
DID I JOIN? I am in despair, for the club conflicts so much with my yoga lessons! I really really wanted to hone my MUN skills because I’m one big n00b (only attended two local ones- two years ago ;__;), but exercise is higher on my list of priorities. NEXT YEAR. Hopefully.
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(8) Yoga Club
ABOUT Yoga at student prices=best yoga ever. They offer a variety of classes, even for beginners like me, and after some classes there’s tea and biscuits!
DID I JOIN? Yeppity yep! I have my yoga outfit ready for tomorrow’s class (Gentle Hatha Yoga), I found myself a yoga buddy, and I plan to buy a mat soon.
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(9) Acapella Club
ABOUT It’s like the show Glee in the sense that there’s a group of students that come together and sing. However, it’s acapella- no background music- just voices, making awesome music.
I auditioned a week ago. I had to sing up and down the scale, do a harmonizing exercise (which I failed at), and sung a song of my choice. I was ill-prepared and chose a song only the night before, but I think I did okay. Considering.
DID I JOIN? If I get to do something like this, I want in! Hopefully I make it through both auditions.
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So my long, organized rambling is, well, rambly. I do hope that it helps anyone who reads it somehow (maybe prospective students?)- I seem to take joy in scouring the depths of the internet for obscure links.

Ever the excited one,

P.S. I know I haven’t included them, but I have to give props to the Food Society for having such awesome designs- from the website to the posters. They make my Photoshop geek giddy with joy.

§ 5 Responses to Clubs Days- what did you join?"

  • Krystal says:

    Can people still get involved in French Club? I totally forgot to go look for it on Clubs Days. If I can, do you wanna directed me to where I can join the mailing list (if there is one) or whatever else? :D Thanks!

    PS: You’re going to be a busy bee this year.

  • Jennine says:

    @Krystal: I’m pretty sure you can email them: to ask to be put in their mailing list, and maybe pay the fee when you go your first meeting/event?

    Busy indeed (and to think, I tried to not join some and still kind of failed)- I hope to have fun though! ^^

  • Dominika says:

    IRSA! So much IRSA love! It’s too bad about UBC VC MUN club not fitting with your schedule, but you can still get involved with the UBCMUN conference! (sorry, can’t help myself – the SG has got to shamelessly plug her conference at every opportunity!)

    Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday! :D

  • Jennine says:

    @Dominika- I have to admit, I did a little fangirling when I saw that you’re the SG of UBCMUN! I’m definitely volunteering this year- even trying to get friends of mine to volunteer with me, haha, and maybe one day I get to be a delegate (but that’s one big maybe).

    I look forward to seeing you too! ^^

  • reneesiu says:

    I actually play on the Kabayan Ultimate team! :)

    Looks like you definitely got a lot on your plate this year!

    In regards to your comment, definitely look into joining a sorority next year if you’re still up for it. I’m sure you’ll be able to make friends lightning fast within your sorority.

    And like they always say, “Those who care don’t matter, and those who matter don’t care”

    I got your back!

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