341-99: Commuter Series / Part I: Pet Peeves

January 17th, 2011 § 1 comment

Dear Commuters,

Commuting is no fun. That’s a fact. I believe that a huge part of this is that commuting is one of those times that people are at their worst- we’re cranky or groggy, we’re just plain tired, and we don’t want to be late. Think of this, though- what if you think of the fact that commuting=public transportation? Public, meaning that being amongst people is inevitable! The least we can do is be considerate, and look out for each other. We’ll be commuting with each other for what, 4-5 more years (and in my case, 7.5)?

In lieu of all this, here’s a list of absolute DON’TS when you’re on the bus or Skytrain or waiting in line. Keep these in mind and I’ll love you forevah~!

  • DON’T stay by the doors when there’s space to stand in at the back. MOVEMOVEMOVEEEE This especially applies to the 99, the Skytrain from 4-7pm, and other such buses that are jampacked (e.g. 321 in Surrey). You’ll feel nicer, since there won’t be some random oxymoron of a person telling you to move back with a sweet voice and a deadly look on her face at the same time.
  • DON’T stay on your seat when there’s an elderly person who can’t find a seat. Come on, this one’s a given! It makes me so sad when I see nobody taking initiative to do something like this, and I can sometimes feel people just waiting for someone to do it, as long as it’s not them. BUT REALLY, DO IT- consider it your good deed of the day.
  • DON’T keep your backpack on your back. This mainly applies to, as always, really crowded buses/Skytrains. Most of us really don’t want our face hit. Both people sitting down and standing up are victims of the deadly combo of heavy backpack and constant turning.
  • DON’T listen to your music so loudly! I know you can’t help but want to jam to “Love The Way You Lie” and angst like you’re in your room, but some of us don’t. Or don’t like the song period. If you don’t know what’s too loud, on iPods/iPhone/iThings, the volume bar filling halfway (or a little over it) should be good.
  • DON’T sit on the aisle seat when the window seat is empty. Make it easier for the person standing up to take a seat. Do you really want to be in “that awkward moment” when that person’s practically on top of you trying to get to the freaking window seat?????
  • When on the aisle seat, DON’T just shift a little to the aisle when the person beside you needs to leave. Get up, or if there’s room, swivel your legs all the way to the aisle- make room! See “that awkward moment” comment above.
  • DON’T go barging onto the bus/into the Skytrain when people need to get off. Wait for them to get off first, instead of fighting against them just to get in/on. Calm down- you have time..
  • DON’T cut in line. See, this is why I love the 99 B-Line bay in the bus loop- there’s a little rail lean-on thingy that maintains a line for each set of doors. All the other bays don’t get a rail, so when a back door opens, you fight to get in or else. Try and be more considerate, yeah? We’ve waited in line 8 minutes longer than you have- it’s only fair.

So please please please, pretty please with cherries and chocolate syrup on top, try and keep this in mind. You’ll make the world a much better place, and rush hour commuting less of a bloody ordeal.

Ever the commuter-for-life (or her entire post-secondary career, I joke thee not),

§ One Response to 341-99: Commuter Series / Part I: Pet Peeves

  • Tyler says:

    I think some of those rules only apply in certain situations (ie. I’d say it’s fine to take an aisle seat so long as there are several free seats around you on the bus).

    And I think that’s the thing that pisses me off most at UBC–seeing people cut in line. Last time I saw it happen I almost yelled at this girl. First, she walked across the bus loop cross walk texting without looking up and several bus drivers had to slam on their breaks but she like ignored them. Then, she pushed people in the 480 line out of the way and stood in the middle of the island. When the bus doors opened, she merged herself into the front of the line. I was so angry–I was tempted to call her out in front of everyone. But I was too far away at the back. When I got on the bus, I went to the back (as I usually do) and she was sitting in one of the popular seats… …with her feet up taking up extra seats. So I decided to be a bitch and sit on her feet, forcing her to move back into taking only one seat. Fuck, I hate those people.

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