Arts Career Expo: Lessons Learned

February 1st, 2011 § 1 comment

So this post is a bit late, but what can I say, like any student, I blame impending doom in the form of midterms.

Anyway, there’s only one word I can use to describe my experience at the Arts Career Expo: awesomesauce. I learned so many useful things, met amazing alumni, ate great food, and had a lot of fun!

Most importantly, I’m taking slow, cautious steps towards saying yes to the idea of law school. The panel was amazing, and so very informative, but in a way it was also a slap of reality to my poor, naive face. Becoming a lawyer, especially a lawyer who’s a woman, will take a lot of work. I need to toughen myself up and really make sure law is what I want to do in order to succeed in the field. However, it is a challenging and rewarding job, perfect for anyone who likes to always be thinking and helping people. Needless to say it’s starting to look like a good career choice for me.

The second panel I attended was networking, which was very lighthearted and interactive and really fun. I learned not to give a fail!handshake and other skills that helped me rock the Mix&Mingle session.

So, things I learned, in a nutshell:

1. Being a lawyer does not guarantee a lot of money, nor a glamorous job in your first year of employment. It’s a long, hard process to get to the top, but one that’s very much worth it.
2. If you want to be a lawyer in another country, go to law school in that country! (I can’t believe I never knew this).
3. Learning French can be reallyyyy awesome job-wise. (Says the FREN123 student)
4. Alumni go to networking events because they want to. Really. Stop being hesitant and maintaining a gloomy mindset- just go for it!
5. Networking is a two-way convo: don’t just ask questions- don’t be afraid to say what you think about their response, or talk a little about yourself.
6. Sweaty palms? Wear something with a pocket to wipe your right palm with before shaking that alumni’s hand!
7. Send a thank you message to the people you talked to! This I did- I got a reply from all of them. Man, I feel like a pro-networker already. :P

Ever the boyband lover (I’m listening to Westlife right now, don’t judge me),

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