341-99 / Part II: What I like about my commute (yes, really)

February 24th, 2011 § 1 comment

The first part of this series was a rant, and so, I shall make this one more positive.

Yesterday was, long story short, not one of those good days. HOWEVER, I always attempt to find the positive side in everything. Oddly enough, in retrospect, all the positive things I could think of centered around my commute.

Usually, my parents drive me to the King George Skytrain station in the morning, and pick me up from the same station in the evening (or night, really…). This past week, though, my dad’s back in the Philippines and my mom working evening shifts. And so, I’ve been doing a full commute back home.

The list below mainly comprises of what I appreciated in this commute (with one being the commute to campus).

  • I was early to my 9am class! I am almost always late to my 9am discussion classes on Monday and Wednesday, so this was lovely. The 99 B-Line might be way too crowded at times, but you have to admit it still does its job well.
  • Nice bus drivers who will see you running for the bus stop and will stop the bus and wait for you!
  • The view of the city lights along West 4th Avenue in the evening. Especially when you’re sitting in the front area and the bus driver turns off the lights.
  • I like the more relaxed feeling of the commute when rush hour dies down, usually at around 7:30 pm… there’s no feeling of utter chaos. >_>
  • Listening again to my favourite musical, and getting lost in the music.
  • Seeing the lights on the mountains- they look like constellations! *__*
  • The freaking cute baby on the 325 bus! ;__;
  • Seeing a high school couple on my last bus at around 8:30pm and thinking “DON’T THEY HAVE HOMEWORK?!?!” like an old maiden, then getting amused at myself for this, then thinking “Man, I wish I had the guts to even go out during a weeknight in high school” then hoping the guy hasn’t pressured the girl to do anything awful, thus bringing me back to my old maiden thoughts…

    (Also- I love university like no other, but I’ve been feeling nostalgic lately for the trivialities of high school =/. LIFE WAS SO SIMPLE BACK THEN. Now I have to worry about tax returns??????)

  • That feeling of VICTORY when you finally open the door to your house, and feeling of relief for not ending up in a slasher movie scenario after walking your eerily empty neighborhood at night (always take off your headphones in these situations, kids!).

February was such a quick month. To make up for my absence, expect 2 more posts (a music post and… a photo journal of sorts post) this week! \o/

One of the few who actually did her reading during Reading Break (aka sad, sad creature),

§ One Response to 341-99 / Part II: What I like about my commute (yes, really)

  • Joyce says:

    hehe, the last part of this made me laugh, especially your “old maiden thoughts” :)

    and yes, Yiruma has so many wonderful songs~

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