3 things and a mash-up.

September 29th, 2011 § 3 comments § permalink

The past week has led me to learning the following lessons:

1. Don’t leave your co-op application to the last minute. I know it’s a hard decision to make, but lean towards one side in the summer and JUST START on the application. The info session will provide the almost the same things as a simple 15-minute browse through the website, unless you want to hear from a couple of people who have done/are still doing co-op terms. The info session would be more useful for international students, I think- they provide important details for you guys.

BUT! Besides frantically rushing my boyfriend to edit my cover letter like a mad man and running around campus to print everything out, I managed to hand in my application 2 hours before the deadline! Fingers crossed that I get a call back!

2. Schmooze and mingle with men who have acted as advisors/interacted with Pierre Trudeau in any way, shape, or form. I know this video has been spammed 10000x and a half (how could it not be, amazing!cochair-of-mine!AJ made it), but let me point 0.18 seconds into the video:

That round-faced rambling girl talking about meeting the French Consul-General? That’s me. And on the same night, I got advice from Jeremy Kinsman, who has worked with Trudeau. This all happened when I attended IRSA’s Diplomacy 101 event last year. And just two days ago, I attended it again. Once again, there was a speaker who was once a special advisor to Trudeau, and he was a delightful speaker.

How easy it is to tell who my favourite Prime Minister is…

3. SIGN UP FOR POLEDANCING 101 WITH NO REGRETS. Yay, AMS Minischool! Someone join me? :D

And before I sign off- study music!

A combo of two favourite songs of mine!

First Year Guide of Awesome: PART I.

July 27th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Me: [ranting about how friend didn’t know about the new U-Pass system at ALL] So you’re telling me that you would’ve waited for your U-Pass in the mail until you realize-
Friend: Yeah, I will, then I’d call you, and you’d know! You know everything!
Me: [facepalm]

So you’re about to be a First Year yourself. Yes, you. EXCITING, YEAH? :DDDV I know how you feel. University > high school (well, in most aspects). You’re gonna love it. It’s gonna be a blast. Yes, even you, the commuter. I was a commuter, and I’ll remain one for the next four years. And I still loved my first year and the commute home, especially after yoga class (actually, that comment might have just made you realize I’m a freak, which I kind of am. Moving on…).

My lovely Blog Squad fellow, Binta, has posted an extensive amount of info for you guys, which I have pretty much 0_0’ed at and applaud her for. However, I notice that the Arts crowd might require guidance of their own. That’s when I come in and attempt to be useful.

While I did try quite a bit of the whole breaking out into spontaneity business, I also survived my first year of UBC with quite the planning and to-do lists. All this thanks to research, geekiness, and my brimming excitement. That, with my involvement on campus contributed to my friend’s comment above. I know where random buildings are, I know stuff about involvement (and where to ask about it), I know where to get help and where to access resources. I’ve used them a lot before, and I’m pretty sure you can make good use of them, too.

So here goes part one of my Jennine’s First Year Guide of Awesome– Useful Resources.

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Crunch time.

March 25th, 2011 § 3 comments § permalink

So. What are you procrastinating on? :P What work do you still have to do over the next week or so?

Let’s use this post to rant your heart out, sigh with relief about that one paper you finally finished, and release some of the tension from all the work you still have to do.

Okay, I’ll start.

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