Author Archives: bonniev

Building international ties to investigate the importance of social relationships and health

By Ellen Stephenson

The Berlin Workshop Group

The Berlin Workshop Group

Faculty and students from the psychology department’s health area recently travelled to Berlin to establish new ties with several research teams there. At the core of the visit was a two-day workshop to explore the importance of social relationships for health outcomes across the adult lifespan. Continue reading

The Whaler’s Pole

On National Aboriginal Day we take a moment to celebrate and honour the rich contributions of Indigenous Peoples.

The Whaler’s Pole was designed and carved by the Nuu Chah Nulth artist Art Thompson (1948-2003), with the assistance of Joe David, Duane Pasco, Gene Brabant, and Glen Wood.

Constructed over two years, from 1981-1982, the pole represents the whaling tradition of the Nuh Chah Nulth peoples. Continue reading

Introducing a new PSYC 417A blog series!

Photo credit: Dorcas Lee

Photo credit: Dorcas Lee

By Dr. Sunaina Assanand and Benjamin Cheung

An important goal of education is the application of knowledge to social change. Typically, however, students are presented with limited opportunities to contribute to social change over the course of their education. For the past three years, UBC’s Psychology Department has offered an International Service Learning course that empowers students to act as agents of social change. Continue reading

Want to do something good for your health? Try being generous

By Ashley Whillans, University of British Columbia

Every day, we are confronted with choices about how to spend our money. Whether it’s thinking about picking up the tab at a group lunch or when a charity calls asking for a donation, we are faced with the decision to behave generously or not.

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Using Social Media to Build a Class on Social Media


By Catherine Rawn

Over the next year I’ll be developing a course called the Psychology of Social Media, which I will teach as Psyc 325 in January 2016 at UBC. This course is currently listed as a developmental course, but we will emphasize themes of social and personality psychology (which relate to identity and personality development). I’m excited to be developing this new, rich course, and have already begun brainstorming. Continue reading

Participate in a Peer Learning & Peer Assessment study

PeerassesswbGreat news! Professors Peter Graf and Catherine Rawn have received UBC funding towards their project ‘Fostering Peer Learning & Assessment Skill’. This project will create and evaluate the tools and support materials needed for including a pedagogically valid and reliable peer assessment component in the Psych 101 & 102 classes. Continue reading

Simple strategies to feel happy

Smiley Button As Symbol For Cheer Or HappinessBy Ashley Whillans

Happiness means something different to everyone, but what we all have in common is the need to make it a priority. Not only does happiness feel good in the moment, but a lot of scientific research suggests that happier people live longer and healthier lives. And if you’re a student, feeling happy has the additional benefit of reducing stress and improving academic performance. Continue reading