Category Archives: methodology

Research Design

Research design is really just a plan of action. Because the search for meaning, understanding or critique are open-ended, it does not mean that interpretive and critical research cannot be designed.

Here is one way to think about the typical ‘moves’ in creating a research design:

1. what is the conceptual topic
2. review what is already known, looking for alternative perspectives
3. what is interesting to explore; what questions are interesting to ask
4. think conceptually about what you know and want to know
5. what is your theoretical perspective and methodology
6. what is the content and why is it interesting or relevant
7. what methods will be used and why
8. how will data be stored, analyzed, synthesized
9. how and to whom will the research be reported

Phenomenology ~ one stop information source

There is, of course, a vast theoretical and research literature on phenomenology as a methodology (understood as a research design approach) but if you are looking to get a handle on what phenomenology is about as a research methodology and some superb examples of phenomenological analysis check out Max Van Manen’s website Phenomenology Online. Start by clicking on “inquiry” then “methododology” but don’t stop there–there are loads of good examples. After that explore the rest of the site.