#hongkongers social stars

Its hard to focus on your life when constantly you’re being swamped with updates from the protest in another country. Specifically Hong Kong this time. Having spent some incredible months there with amazing people and I believe their issue needs to be heard.

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Source: Personal Facebook. Credit to: Jain Sarin Richie Thap

While reading the Article: Introducing The New Social Technographics®: The First Step Toward Social Success via the Forrester database I noticed that there are different types of consumers who qualify as different users of Social Media to interact with companies and ultimately the world. The article mentioned that different countries, earn very different scores, and that “People in Hong Kong rate as Social Stars, with Technographic Scores between 40 and 56”. I know that this is not related specifically to a company – but it shows that Hong Kongers are standing true to their digital status. They want to make sure that their issue of Democracy does not go unheard and taking every social action of doing so. The Government is noticing this – blocked Instagram immediately to allow for some damage control, also cutting off internet during sites of demonstration.

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Source: Personal Facebook. Credit: Ruby Cheng

There are a lot of controversial issues happening all over the world today, but never before have we been able to stand so close. We watch and learn by scrolling through our Newsfeed on Facebook, our twitter accounts and Instagram – forming our own opinions, leveraging the voice of social media. We read many articles mentioning how powerful social media is, but through issues like these I can finally see the true power of this digital age.

Here for more information on the issue and a Canadian stance.






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