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Smartboard/Smart Notebook Software
Can one import PowerPoints and Excel documents into Notebook?
Yes, but some of the features may be lost in conversion. Other files from interactive whiteboard programs are also importable. Refer to the SMART help guide.
Is it possible to record my own voice with the software?
An external setup would be required if you are interested in recording sounds. However, users can embed sound clips into different parts of a Notebook file.
Can recordings saved in other formats other than in Notebook?
Yes, but ensure you select the share recording function in order to do so.
Do you need the Smartboard in order to use the Notebook software?
Notebook can be used without the Smartboard itself. The Smartboard offers the touch and interactivity. If you choose to use Notebook without the Smartboard, you would navigate with your mouse. You can also access Notebook on the iPad for $6.99 in the App store.
What other programs are comparable to the SMART Notebook?
There are a number of apps that are available on the iPad. Check out ShowMe (free!) and Explain Everything ($2.99). A comprehensive list of interactive whiteboard apps for the iPad can be found here.
WordPress/UBC Blogs
I changed the theme of my site and I can’t see the menu I had on the top of my site- what happened?
Some themes do not automatically display the menu that you had set previously. Others do not allow for menus entirely, while others support multiple menus. Play around with the different themes to see what they offer.
To check if your current theme offers a menu function, head to Appearance > Customize. Here, you will see a series of drop down menus on the left side of your screen. After you click Navigation, you will see a brief description of what/if your theme supports menus. If so, click on the drop down menu and select the menu you would like to be the primary menu. Be sure to hit the blue save button before you leave your page!

From As you can see, this particular theme (Responsive) supports 4 menus. Of course, it’s entirely up to you to decide if you’d like to use some, all, or none of the menus.
I don’t need some of the things that are on my page. How can I remove them?
You may find that you might not need a link on the right side of your site to access your recent comments or archives. You might also be interested in decluttering your page to keep it clean. To do so, head to Appearances > Widgets. Widgets are small applications with a specific function that can be added and removed to your sites.
You will see a sidebar that has menu that can dragged and rearranged. To remove a widget, drag to the section called Inactive Widgets. This will remove them from the sidebar but keep their settings. If you want to delete a widget entirely, drag it back under Available Widgets.
I don’t like the name of my site title/site name. Can I change this?
The site title can be changed under Appearance > Customize > Site Title & Tagline at anytime. Unfortunately, the site name can’t be modified. If you are tired of your site name, you can create a new site with a new name. Be mindful about what name you decide on!
I created some categories, but they aren’t showing up on my menu.
Categories need to be manually added to a menu before they will show up. To do so, go to Appearance > Menu. On the left side of the page, you will see 3 collapsing menus called Pages, Links, and Categories. Click on Categories and the list will expand. Click on the View All tab to display your complete list of categories. Check off the ones you would like to appear on your menu by clicking Add to Menu. They will now appear under your menu structure. Click on Save Menu to retain any changes you make.
I created a new category in addition to the ones I currently have, but it’s not showing up under my category menu or in the Categories section of the page.
Once you create a new post and tag it under your new category, your new category will show up on the page. To have the new category show up on the menu, go to Appearance > Menu > Categories. Click on the new category and then add to menu. Rearrange your menu as you desire, then hit Save menu.
Collaborative Learning Annotated System (CLAS)
Why should I use CLAS instead of YouTube?
For a number of reasons! Unlike YouTube, CLAS is hosted on Canadian servers. This means that they are under the protection of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) laws. On a similar note, CLAS is a much more private space for users to upload their videos than YouTube. Most importantly, CLAS is supported by UBC, which means that you are able to get the help and guidance you may require. It is much more challenging to receive in-house support from UBC or third parties with other platforms.
In terms of recording devices, what do you recommend?
If you choose to record on a mobile device or tablet, I recommend that you record using the video function of the camera rather than directly on CLAS. If the Wifi disconnects in the classroom you are doing your practicum in, there’s a chance that you might lose all your footage. Or, if your browser on your phone is prone to crashing, the likelihood of you loosing the footage is fairly substantial. When you are recording with the video function, your chances of loosing the footage are significantly lower.
A great way of recording yourself is to use the webcam on your laptop and to place it at the front of the class. By doing so, you can avoid a number of issues which include:
- Propping up a camera or phone using a makeshift tripod or a stack of books, which can be unsafe
- Potentially recording any of the students in the class (remember: privacy concerns)
- Running out of room on the recording device or SD card
- Distracting the students in the class
By using your laptop to record yourself, you are able to control the angle you are recording at. As well, you are able to start and stop recording by yourself.
Can I assign video viewing rights to more than one person at a given time?
Not quite yet. The programmers are working on this; you will find out once the function is enabled!
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