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this is where i’d post the question

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I am! I am a dreamer who does I wonder how far those dreams will take me I hear my hopes reverberate I see no need that they abate I want each hope realized I am a dreamer who does … Continue reading

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ePortfolio Tutorials

Looking for help setting up or improving your ePortfolio? Have questions about privacy settings, plugins, menus? Help is around the corner. Drop by Scarfe 1006 (MAC computer lab) for help setting up or troubleshooting your WordPress eP July 8th or … Continue reading

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Mystery Skype! (March 3)

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Join us in Scarfe 155 for a Mystery Animal Skype. SandboxSkype_MysterySkype Handout On Tuesday, March 3rd, the Scarfe Digital Sandbox is hosting a ‘Mystery Animal Skype Session’. We will be Skyping with a kindergarten class who are learning about animals … Continue reading

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Citing Research in your Blog

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“The term reference is used in many spheres of human knowledge, adopting shades of meaning particular to the contexts in which it is used.” When citing other sources in your blog or website, it is very important to give ‘credit’ … Continue reading

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