Assignment 9 – Smell Notes | Anna Finn

In-Class Exercise

Photographs of smell

These photographs were taken during our in-class site visit to the seawall and Stanley Park. I tried to take photos of places and things that either had a definite smell or things that I thought added to the overall smell of the specific place.

Top Row: wet rocks, seaweed, ocean air, crab leg

Bottom Row: Leaves on trees, rotting wood and moss, raindrops on tree branches, lichen on cedar tree.

At-home exercise

Drawing smell and memory of the Pacific Ocean at Spanish Banks beach,  using sea water
Drawing smell of leaves and memory of Stanley Park

While at home, I attempted re-visualizing the smells from the site visit of the sea wall and the park. The first painting is using sea-water from Spanish banks beach, which I thought might somehow show smell through texture. For the second photo, I added raked leaves from my lawn to the water, which didn’t give much colour but made the water a bit gritty and dirty. Watercolour paint was added to both paintings to enhance the visualization of my memory of “smell” through colour.

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