A10 Taste Rave – Luke

My attempt to capture the feeling of the sourest of sour candies…

A mixed media, drawing over photography, in an attempt to capture the all-consuming nature of ‘fishy’ taste and smell.

Assignment 10: Taste rave & design a drinking object | Pierre Tulk

Below is a series of flavor profiles I have sketches for various foods found at the Granville Island Market.

For the drinking object, my approach was to conduct a short literature review on glass shape and size and alcohol consumption before designing a vessel. Because I wanted the olfactive experience of drinking to pertain, I have added a curved spout which directs the smell directly in the user’s nose.

Samantha Miller – A10 – Taste Rave & Drinking Object

In class @ Granville Island

*most of these are gifs so they may take a second to load… or you might have to click the image to open it bigger.

This gif is meant to show the strength of certain flavours and senses as they occurred with the foods I tried at Granville Island.

Assignment 9:

I went for dinner for a friend’s birthday to the Stable House! It was the perfect dinner to use for this assignment. All of the dishes we shared were truly an experience in my mouth. I tried to use these gifs to highlight the range of experiences as they happened with three dishes.

Dish 1:

Dish 2:

Dish 3:


Assignment 10 Part 2: Drinking Object

Ashley Fleck | Assignment 10

In-Class Drawings: Granville Island

1st Taste Test – Pistachio Macaron
2nd Taste Test – Gouda Chive Macaron

At Home: Drinking Object

The idea behind this glass is that the front of it would act as a magnifying glass, magnifying the liquid within it and making it appear as though the glass is much fuller than it already is. To ensure that users would view the liquid through the front, the back of the glass would be shaped with finger grips and a handle to slot their hand through.

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