A6: Tactile Body Space | Pierre Tulk

For this assignment, I have mapped my own bedroom, taking the time to note its different sensorial elements using the matrix proposed in Daniel Roehr’s book. The construction in 2PP allowed me to better understand the scale and the shape language of the space.


A6 Tactile Body Space – Luke A

For this assignment, I focused on textures and how they interact in a space. Usually when we are in a position to perceive a full space, especially a large space outdoors, some detail is lost in texture and feel. This experiment captures close-up textures and positions them on the surface they occupy, but at a scale large enough to perceive the full space. I experimented with shadow, as well as a 50% mash-up between photo and texture, as keeping the space recognizable was important to the exercise.

In Class




At Home (Maple Tree Square) 





Assignment 6 – Tactile Body Space | Livia Newman

At Home – Pavilion outside Vancouver Art Gallery

Analysis of the various materials throughout the pavilion infant of Vancouver Art Gallery. Although these materials were all utilized at different scales they all had a similar scale of presence on site due to their colour, placement and height.

Pavers – cold, dirty, gritty

Cafe seating – bright, wet, cold, scratched

Metal planters with wooden seating – faded (seasonal plants and wood), rough in some spots / smooth in other spots, cold metal pieces, loud due to proximity to traffic

Wooden benches surrounding trees – smooth, warm, soft

In Class Work

Site Textures

Seating + textures

Interior, stair case experience

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