A3: Mapping | Christopher Reid


At Home

For 15 minutes took tally of sounds heard, which direction they came from, and roughly how loud they were. Site: Jericho Beach Lookout near public binoculars.
Sketched map of site surroundings, with cardinal directions colour-coded. Attempted to plot on hand-drawn compass rose below, but too complex. Ultimately made digital version (below).
“Sound rose” of sounds heard at Jericho Beach lookout. Each bar represents a different sound, with its extent representing the frequency with which it was heard, and its height representing how audible it was. Cardinal directions are colour-coded and correspond to colours on the map above. Different directions varied greatly in the sounds heard variety of sound sources.

Assignment 2 – Adding Dimension | Anna Finn

In-class exercise

Cathedral place, 1st attempt
Cathedral Place, cube method
Cathedral place, East elevation from water garden
Cathedral Place, cube method
Cathedral Place, cube method

At-home exercise

Pothos, 10s
Pothos, 30s
Pothos, 1 min
Dunbar Community Centre, perspective sketch
Dunbar Community Centre, plan and elevation, 30s
Dunbar Community Centre, elevations 1 min and 2 min
Dunbar Community Centre, cube method, 15 min

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