” What a perfect way to end our 6th season last night: clear skies, twinkling stars, a golden half-moon shining through the trees and a spectacular production of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST at Theatre Under the Stars Vancouver! Kudos to the enormously talented cast, creative team and crew who filled the Malkin Bowl outdoor stage with magic! Big thanks go to Anika Vervecken for her delightful description; to Assistant Stage Manager, Jennifer, for giving VocalEye users a terrific backstage Touch Tour; to the wonderful staff and volunteers at TUTS for making us feel so welcome; to VocalEye Theatre Buddies Tal Jarus, Carol MacDonald and Shanna Yeung for all their kind assistance; and to all our fabulous patrons and guests for attending. Our next season starts next month. Stay tuned… it’s gonna be yuuuuge!”– Steph, the sweet and fun director of VocalEye
We watched Beauty and the Beast live at Theatre Under the Stars with audio description. Then we had a backstage tactile tour when we got to touch different costumes and props and the set. Always a pleasure to volunteer with the VocalEye patrons and team.
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