On October 23rd, the Centre for Scholarly Communication held a panel on Publishing in the Digital Humanities in the University Centre at the UBCO campus. About 15 scholars and students came to hear Dr. Constance Crompton, Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities, Dr. Karis Shearer, Assistant Professor of English, and Laura Thorne, Learning Services Librarian talk about Digital Humanities and their research and publishing experiences. Laura Thorne introduced the audience to Digital Humanities research and methods in the context of publishing. Karis Shearer talked about her project, POSA, an annotated archive of Canadian poetry sound recordings from the 1960s. Constance Crompton presented on her work in the Digital Humanities and how the platforms for publishing DH resources are changing. At the end of the presentation there was time for a Q&A session. The audience was able to ask these experts about their experiences
and about how to publish scholarly digital resources using custom and out-of-the-box platforms, such as Omeka and Commons in a Box. The panel was very informative for the audience and hopefully will help future DH projects to get started here at UBCO.