Oil Supplier

Is the business ethic being followed here? I totally agree with the article posted by Kerry Poon. Chang Guann Co., a leading oil supplier in Taiwan was fined US$1.67 million on Tuesday the 9th for selling hundreds tonnes of “gutter oil.” In February 2014, Chang Guann purchased 243 tonnes of tainted oil collected from cookers, fryers, and grease traps; he then mixed it up with lard oil for sale. There was a total of 782 tonnes of gutter oil produced and used in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (Kerry Poon’s UBC blog). This oil was used in almost all the restaurants of these countries. If the concept is to be socially responsible, the company has violated it. But has been selfish by only earning profits. This would be a wrong decision because now their market has gone down, probably will not be able to acquire more returns. It is a situation where they have made the society unhappy during an important occasion and which will not be accepted easily by the general public. Instead, if the company had gone with an idea of the way they supply regularly, it should have been beneficial to both the suppliers and consumers. To conclude, we can be very sure that if social responsibility is a business ethic, then this oil supplier has not followed it.


Taiwan Oil Supplier fined US$1.67 Million Over Gutter Oil

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