Amber & Sim: Where to find week 7 Article!

Hi folks! Some of you mentioned you are unable to access the article. It is tricky… but we have put below a step by step guide for you to quickly access it. I know you are all very busy as we are getting closer to practicums, but luckily this is a light read. You do not need to go into much detail when looking it over. Just make sure you have an overall understanding of it.


2. Keywords: Children and their curriculum: The perspectives of primary and elementary school children

3. Choose the first link!

4. Near the top of the article it should say “Go to Page” _____

5. In the blank area type: 143 and hit enter.

6. This should take you to the first page of the article

7. Any other confusion please let us know!

As a reminder, your task is to write down 3 key take away’s from the article. It can be something you found interesting, something that relates to your past experiences or even your upcoming experiences you may consider for your practicum.

Also, don’t forget your leaf for Thursday… best looking leaf gets a prize! Just kidding, but please do bring a leaf, there are lots still around campus!

Amber & Sim

Week #8 Getting Ready for Practicum

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Pardip and I know this is probably a busy week for most, as it is the last week of classes before short practicum. Therefore, our entry slip does not have an associated reading.

Entry Slip:

List three questions you still have about practicum.

Please list the three questions on the attached word document and bring a hard copy to class. Thank you!



Pardip and Gurjita

October 29th Entry Slip

Hi everyone,

For next week please do the following:

  1. bring a leaf of your choice to class
  2. read Smith, S. J. (1997). Observing children on a school playground: The pedagogies of childwatching. In A. Pollard, D. Thiessen, & A. Filer (Eds.) Children and their curriculum: The perspectives of primary and elementary school children (pp. 143- 161). London: Falmer Press. From week 7!
  3.  Write down three take always you got from the reading!

See you all next week!

Sim & Amber

Reading for Tomorrow, Oct 15th

Hey everyone,

Sorry for the confusion with the reading. From what I can see it expects us to have a Harvard database login which obviously we do not have. I have been trying to find you an easier copy to find but have had no such luck, so here are some quick instructions to find the article through the UBC Library Database. Make sure you are on ubcsecure to open it, as you most likely will not be able to if you are on a separate wifi network.

  1. Go to
  2. Type the following into the general search box: “managing on the twelfth”
  3. Click the top link that comes up titled “A curious plan: managing on the twelfth.”
  4. On the next page that opens click on Browse Journal to open a new page at the Harvard database
  5. On the next page, it shows a bunch of dates and journal issues. Click on the 1990-1999 expand box. Next, click on Volume 63, and then click on Issue 3 from September 1993. This will open a new page
  6. Find the article labelled “Teaching and Practice” and click on the PDF link and it will open!

Sorry for the confusion with getting the article! I know it’s a hassle and if you cannot access it we will do our best to explain it all to you tomorrow!


Sean and Dill

Dillan & Sean Week 6 Reading Expert

Hi everyone!

Please read the following article on teacher student dialogue:

Additionally, the following video talks about creativity in education and touches on how it has been oppressed in the classroom:

Entry Slip:
1. Create a dialogue between a teacher and a student, (approximately 4-8 lines,) in which the student is either a) empowered by the teacher, or b) oppressed by the teacher. This can be fictional or from past experiences in the classroom. Bring this to class to discuss.

See you next week!

Dill & Sean

Useful website!

For those of you not in our Home Ec class on Tuesday nights, this is a wicked fun website that can be useful for teaching!

Check it out!

How to start a e-portfolio/blog on wordpress

The ‘how to’ set up a e-portfolio/blog video

Also, here’s a link to the ‘eP testing/tutorial blog’ that is set up to offer assistance to teacher candidates on setting up and trouble shooting your e-portfolios/blog.


Week 5: Steen and Stina Inquiry Presentation: Generating Questions for Inquiry

Please Read the Following Articles

  1. Clifford, P., & Friesen,S.(2007). Creating Essential Questions
  2. Pinsonneault, S., & Malhi, K. (2004). How can teachers support gender equity in their classrooms?

Entry Slip

  1. Where do inquiry questions come from?
  2. Where did your inquiry questions or themes come from?
  3. What constitutes a good inquiry question?
  4. Be willing to share four questions or themes from your top 10 list

Have a good weekend and see you all on Thursday @1:30pm

Week 5: Entrance slip

  1. Entrance slip –  reading group
  2. Artifact bag reflection -Complete (a working”documenting of) the following (in professional format): (1 page max)
    1. A biography
    2. Your philosophy of education (include your subject area as well!!)
    3. Something that you are interested in exploring in education. It could be in the form of a question and then a response of why it is significant to you.
  3. 3. Top 10 List of questions or topic areas

As always, let me know if you need further assistance.  Best reagards

Inquiry Tweet

Teacher Inquiry is to ask big questions and to explore possible answers to make your own #UBCBEd2016 @smcginley11 @UBCTeacherEd