
Dan & Bronzon – Week 4 – Inquiry

Week Four: Dan and Bronzon Inquiry Presentation: Teacher Inquiry- Exploring Teacher Inquiry as a Pedagogical Approach

Finally figured out this blog…sorry for the late post. Please watch the following Youtube video and click on the links to answer the four questions as your entry slip for Thursday!

Teacher Inquiry: Living the research in Everyday Practice 

Why Inquiry?

What is Inquiry?

Entry slip: 4 Reflection questions relating to the article and TedTalk

  1. What is professional practice?
  2. What are the four phases of professional practice?
  3. What is your role as a teacher
  4. How do we as teachers prepare for this role?

PE and HE Cohort Week 1

pe and he cohort

Week 1 PE and HE Cohort Photos


Week three: MaL and Jo’s Inquiry Presentation: What’s Old Is New Again!

Get excited! This will be fun. Promise

Please read the attached article


Please watch the following TedTalk

Bring on the Learning Revolution! | Ken Robinson | TED Talks

Entry slip: 4 Reflection questions relating to the article and TedTalk

1-For successful teaching to occur, what must happen?

2-Have you ever done something twice and the second time it has been a completely different experience: examples: book, movie, school course, wine tasting, going home for Christmas after a year school. Why do you think it was different the second time around?

3-What is the difference between practice and perfection? Why is it important to have a ‘practice’ perspective?

4-What is one of your fears? (big or small. Does not matter. Ie spiders, public speaking etc)


jo and Mal – Week 3 – Inquiry

EDUC-450 Course Outline McGinley 2015 -FINAL


Weekly Expert Posts

Weekly Reading Expert Groups please complete the following by preferably the week prior to your presentation:

  1. Title post with you Week #, group members, and topic
  2. Upload the following by adding media:
    1. Entrance slip
    2. Reading (pdf)
    3. Summary
    4. Guiding Questions
    5. Any other video, pictures, etc..

Please use small sized images and links to save space in blog.

Inquiry II – Key Resources!!!

Inquiry-II-451B-Tenative Course-Outline-2015

TEO Website with samples for Inquiry II and Inquiry III


Inquiry Project EDUC451 January 2015 assignment details

Inquiry-Project-Rubric-Jan 5


Sample E- Portfolio – Gerogia Heraty



Hello Inquiry I

This is a place for us to share, collaborate, and show our work and resources.  Please feel free to comment on what you would like to see on this blog.
