
Program development is in the early stages.  We approach it from three different vantage points.  Information gathering is crucial to not only see what is already happening on our campus and in the community, but also for generating collaborations.  The pathway structure is taking shape and providing the framework on which to build.  As the Biology program website evolves, it will include advising for different pathways including Sustainability and course selection.

Information Gathering:

  • UBC Sustainability Programing: meet with individuals who have developed sustainability programming; identify challenges and lessons learned from other departments and faculties.
  • UBC Connections: inter- and intra-faculty links and opportunities for collaboration.
  • UBC Sustainability Courses: identify courses appropriate for the sustainability pathway; collect course syllabi and learning objectives; develop an assessment criteria and evaluate courses.
  • Sustainability in Biology Offerings: survey faculty about sustainability content in courses; identify courses for pathway.
  • Survey Capstone Courses: identify similar courses at UBC (e.g. ENVR 400) and abroad.
  • Identify Experiential Learning Opportunities: Community Service Learning, CityStudio, Directed Studies (BIOL 448), GoGlobal, SEEDS.
  • Off-Campus Connections: identify potential community and industry collaborators).

Pathway Structure:

  • Develop: mission statement, pathway goals, learning objectives.
  • Graduate Attributes and Competencies: identify key learning outcomes and map them onto pathway courses; integrate with Biology Program learning outcomes.
  • Program Structure: consult with Sustainability in Biology (SIB) committee, student focus groups, consult faculty members.
  • Content: foundational course options, Biology core courses, elective clusters based on sustainability coverage (three pillars), individual experiential learning component (i.e. directed studies, internships, SEEDS, Community Service Learning.)

Undergraduate Advising:

  • Online: develop advising tools to help students with course selection for sustainability (as well as other focus areas).
  •  Approach: students develop four-year plan; face-to-face advising; Co-op, career, and alumni engagement