Reflection-Web Folio, A web of technicality, creativity and perfection


This technical writing course has allowed us to exhibit creativity during the web folio formation process.  It is a great way to gather all the accomplishments and display my hard work utilized for completion of course assignments and formal report project.  This personalized web folio has uplifted my self esteem.  I feel proud of myself to have learned so much in this course.  Most importantly, all learned skills are deemed useful in the near future in my dental health profession.  The web folio has taken me beyond writing.

Creating a webpage is not merely choosing a theme and simply filling in the content.  It is imperative that the theme, background colour and font of the text are all carefully evaluated.  The point is to convey the information to the readers without causing distraction or disinterest.  The course textbook and the instructor’s blog have been very helpful throughout the process.

To be able to look back at the completed course work, proofread for self editing, revising the peer reviewed work to make further changes before posting has granted a feeling of perfection.  It is easy to proofread someone else’s work than my own.  I had been less confident in self editing prior to taking this course.  The web folio assignment demands that the work posted is perfect, perhaps proofreading over and over again has made me better at it.

Overall, it has been a great assignment with few technical challenges.  I am not a tech pro but I have gained a lot of knowledge in technology during the span of ENGL301 course.  I have also gained the sense of writing with readers’ point of view.


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