This page highlights the collection of my best work in this course. It includes but is not limited to:
Definition Assignment
This assignment taught me to use three different types of definition for a complex term. I had to define the chosen term using parenthetical, sentence and expanded forms so that the readers/audience who are unfamiliar with the term can comprehend it. The motive was to convey the right information to various audience in the right manner.
Peer Review of the Definition Assignment
This assignment was the very first peer review for me. I was given Chae Rin’s assignment to review. It gave me a deeper insight of reader’s view while exploring different writing style. To edit someone else’s work helped me gain a lot of knowledge about editing my own work too.
301.T.Atwal.Peer Review of Definition
Formal Report Proposal
Choosing topic to write a formal report on was quite a task. After brainstorming many ideas, I concluded that something relevant to my profession is going to have twofold benefits. First, it is interesting to search on and second, it is going to give me an exposure to report writing in the dental realm.
301.T.Atwal.Formal Report Proposal
Progress Report with Surveys
The progress report is a great way to acknowledge the pace for report writing. An email memo to the course professor with the progress report and survey/interview questions was directed for approval.
Ethical considerations are highly valued when creating survey and interview questions. This assignment taught me how to carefully plan the questions keeping cultural and ethical sensitivity in mind.
301.T.Atwal.Progress Report and Questionnaire
Complaint Letter and Bad News Letter
Using YOU attitude under all circumstances has been demonstrated in this assignment. It has helped me to stay positive even in a professional dilemma. These letters are written in a friendly yet firm tone, avoiding negative and maintaining professional attitude.
Peer Review of Application Package
This assignment has given me the opportunity to review a comprehensive application package of my classmate. It is a great way to provide constructive feedback so that the application becomes strong and recruiters are impressed.
Once again the peer review has given me the opportunity to enjoy reading others’ writing style and work through this assignment.
301.T.Atwal.Peer Review of YZ Application Package
Peer Review of Formal Report
This review has been very helpful prior to submission of final report. It has mutually helped the reviewers to assess the content of the report for any strengths and weaknesses. It has strongly improved the final report. Due to the report’s lengthy content, it is easy for self to overlook minor errors. Therefore, peer’s feedback is crucial for a second review.