JapanKnowledge has added another 10 titles to their Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編 日本古典文学全集 digital collection. The new titles are:
古事記 Kojiki
日本書紀 Nihon shoki
風土記 Fudoki
謡曲集 Yōkyokushū
歌論集 Karonshū
連歌論集 Renga ronshū
能楽論集 Nōgaku ronshū
井原西鶴集 Ihara Saikaku shū
近世随想集 Kinsei zuisōshū
俳論集 Haironshū
To access the SNKBZ e-collection, you must sign into JapanKnowledge. A tutorial is available here on how to search within the e-books.

UBC Library is currently offering a trial of the Mainichi shinbun 毎日新聞 newspaper database, Maisaku. Please try out the database (instructions below), and remember to complete the feedback form to tell us what you think. The database offers the newspaper’s full-text articles from 1872 to present, as well as articles from the Japanese edition of the Economist.
1) Go to the information page
2) Click on “via the web”
3) Click on the blue log in button
4) fill out the feedback form
Aozora Bunko, which has long provided readers with full-text Japanese literature in the public domain (where the copyright has expired), is now offering its titles through Internet Archive. The material is now available in PDF, as well as mobile device-friendly downloadable formats including EPUB and Kindle. In addition, users have the option of reading the works online.
Although searching by author is possible in both Japanese and English scripts, at this point it appears that titles can only be found using original Japanese script searches. Here is an example of one of the Aozora titles available through Internet Archive: Futari no tomo 二人の友 by Mori Ōgai 森鴎外. See the left-hand column for viewing and download options.
For more information, see the press releases from Voyager Japan, the company that transferred the content, in Japanese and in English.
JapanKnowledge has added another 10 titles to their Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編 日本古典文学全集 digital collection. The new titles are:
今昔物語集 Konjaku monogatarishū
将門記 Shōmon ki
陸奥話記 Mutsu waki
保元物語 Hōgen monogatari
平治物語 Heiji monogatari
宇治拾遺物語 Uji shūi monogatari
曾我物語 Soga monogatari
太平記 Taiheiki
義経記 Gikeiki
仮名草子集 Kana-zōshishū
To access the SNKBZ e-collection, you must sign into JapanKnowledge. A tutorial is available here on how to search within the e-books.

We are currently offering a trial of the Yomiuri Shinbun database Yomidasu Rekishikan ヨミダス歴史館. This resource includes Yomiuri articles from 1874 to present, as well as English-language articles from The Daily Yomiuri from 1989. The trial will run until August 4.
To access the database:
1) Click here to go to the information page.
2) Click on “via the web”
3) You will be prompted for your CWL username and password if accessing from home.
For non-faculty members, please go back and fill out the feedback form also available through the information page. Current faculty members should have received a separate survey. Contact me if you have not received this.
I’ve created a couple of tutorials on how to use Factiva to find Japanese-language news articles. Check them out here:
Factiva for Japanese – Basic
Factiva for Japanese – Advanced
Hope they’re helpful!
JapanKnowledge has added a further 10 titles to their Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編 日本古典文学全集 digital collection. The new titles are:
Eiga monogatari 栄花物語
Ōkagami 大鏡
Sumiyoshi monogatari 住吉物語
Torikaebaya monogatari とりかへばや物語
Matsura no Miya monogatari 松浦宮物語
Mumyō-zōshi 無名草子
Heike monogatari 平家物語
Kenrei Monʼin Ukyō no Daibu shū / 建礼門院右京大夫集
Towazugatari とはずがたり
Chūsei nikki kikkōshū 中世日記紀行集
To access the SNKBZ e-collection, you must sign into JapanKnowledge. A tutorial is available here on how to search within the e-books.

UBC Library has just started to subscribe to the web-based Kokushi Daijiten (Encyclopedia of Japanese History). Users can search the full-text of all 54,000 entries included in this resource, which contains the entire content of the 15-volume print edition. To access the database:
1) go to the information page
2) click on “via the web”
3) click on the ログイン button
JapanKnowledge has just uploaded ten more titles to its Shinpen Nihon koten bungaku zenshū 新編日本古典文学全集 collection:
Nihon ryōiki 日本霊異記
Utsuho monogatari うつほ物語
Ochikubo monogatari 落窪物語
Tsutsumi Chūnagon monogatari 堤中納言物語
Izumi Shikibu nikki 和泉式部日記
Murasaki Shikibu nikki 紫式部日記
Sarashina nikki 更級日記
Sanuki no Suke no Nikki 讃岐典侍日記
Hamamatsu Chūnagon monogatari 浜松中納言物語
Yoru no nezame 夜の寝覚
Remember to check out the tutorial here to learn how to access the works.