Self-Assessment Reflection Blog

As the semester has now come to a close I find myself looking back on English 301 and feeling very grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of such an informative program.  I will be graduating with a minor in English Literature, and I have always felt like I am a strong writer, however, English 301 challenged me in new ways, and because of this I am a better writer now than I was coming into the semester.

When I came into this class I did not know what to expect, but I quickly understood just how important the curriculum was, not only for my education but also for my professional career outside of university.  Now that the semester is complete I am coming away from this course with a much better knowledge of how to conduct myself professionally in written form and through an online platform.  However, even though I am coming away from this course feeling confident about the skills I have acquired, it should be mentioned that I did face a number of challenges throughout.  These challenges were welcomed, as I am always eager to be pushed out of my comfort zone in order to learn a new skill.

Building an online professional profile is something that I was not familiar with coming into the course, which was ultimately the biggest hurdle I had to overcome.  Setting up a blog, a LinkedIn profile, and contributing to my Team Forum, are all online platforms that I am not very familiar with.  Getting the hang of things was a little difficult at first.

The great thing about working online with a group of like-minded professionals is that ideas can be shared and critiqued constructively by our peers, which in turn makes us better writers and professionals as we moved through the course.  The sharing of our posts and ideas, and the peer reviews we did for one another are all ways in which we networked and connected with each other over the course of the semester.

Undoubtedly, the skills that I have acquired after completing English 301 will transition nicely into the professional career I am currently in, as well it will help me in my future endeavors too.  I plan on submitting an application to a graduate school very soon, and I will be applying a large portion of what I learned through this course to my application package.

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