Monthly Archives: March 2018

Taking an educational website to market

In the educational sector, two of the most important things to consider when you promote your educational website are credibility and visibility. Credibility ensures that your material is reliable and authentic. Visibility ensures that your material can be seen by your target audience. In order the latter covered, you need to know how to market your site. Here are a few things you need to include in your marketing strategy:

SEO Strategy

The first thing that you have to consider is an SEO strategy. SEO is extremely important because people look for credible source materials every day. When searching for materials, people don’t really spend time looking through all the pages in Google. They usually only check the results in the first page. This is why you need to get your website a good ranking.

To improve your search engine rank, employ some good SEO strategies on your site. Some include good keyword research, meta data, and quality content. You may also hire an SEO consultancy like Over the Top SEO to boost your SEO campaign.

Social Media

Social media happens to be one of the most effective platforms to market educational content. While Instagram or Twitter may not be too applicable to educational sites, Facebook and Youtube are. Having a popular Facebook page that gives fresh content and links can drive more traffic. Also, posting educational videos related to your website on Youtube is good for exposure. You just have to make sure you manage your platforms well, so you can maximize their promise.

Print Media

While some people say that print media is already dead, it is still very much applicable in the educational world. However, your print media must have a digital counterpart. For example, journal articles are no longer in just print form. You can find PDFs of different journal articles on the web. If your website contains journals and studies, put them in PDF format for downloading.

Testimonials and Other Creds

Getting credibility is one of the most important things in the educational sector. If your website was mentioned by a school or a research team, it automatically gains a lot of creds. You may also consider testimonials as creds. Testimonials from students or educators are signs of good credibility.

When you have a good set of creds, make sure that you flash them in your website. Make them as visible as possible so that people can get a good first impression. They can serve as effective marketing tools.


When you want to market your website, these are some of the aspects to add in your marketing plan. In the digital age, there are a lot of things to take note of. Even though the internet is a very effective platform, you have to know how to use it well. In the educational sector, the internet is one of the most powerful tools that you can use. Through the use of websites, SEO, social media, and other means, you can gain both exposure and credibility for your educational website.

Clever research hacks for busy students

Research is always the longest part of any project. Today there is so much information online, even knowing some of the best places to look can still feel like a trip down the rabbit hole, and with the mounting pressures faced by students, it’s hardly surprising many feel daunted by the workload involved in crafting an A grade essay or assignment.

But there are a few research hacks that can save you time and help you write better papers.

Set a time limit for research

A general rule of thumb should be splitting your time in half. While you might want to gather some additional sources after you’ve started writing a draft, you should be doing the bulk of your research before you start writing. Setting a time limit is also useful because it helps you think about how you’ll write your paper and start structuring your writing goals. Scientists have proven that taking time to think about how you’ll study helps improve your grades and your mental health.

Don’t waste time reading old research (unless it’s really relevant)

There’s something to be said about the relevance of recent research. While it might always be worth reading Habermas or Freud, not everything stays relevant. Unless your project specifically calls for earlier data, choosing sources written within the last few years is always a safe bet. Try to look for papers and journal articles published within the last three to five years, and avoid statistics from studies released a decade ago, they’re probably already out of date.

See how an expert would write it

If you know you’re going to be writing on the topic multiple times and want original perspectives and different points of view to draw on, then investing in a custom paper produced by a paper writing service can be a fantastic source of both information and inspiration. The people who work for these services are usually industry professionals or former academics with a solid understanding of the audience you’ll be writing for, and the requirements of an academic paper. This can be a real boon in terms of helping develop an engaging and authoritative tone in your own writing, and it also may provide you with a bibliography of fresh research to look into or compare your current reference list against.

Start using Google Scholar

Despite having been around since 2004, a lot of students have never heard of it. Google Scholar is a powerful source for accessing research beyond the databases your college or university subscribe to. Google’s search is much more intuitive than a lot of scientific or industry specific databases, making it easier to use unique search terms and find broader results. Although not all of articles indexed on Google Scholar are free to read it’s still a clever way to find specific articles for your essay or project, and your university library may be able to help you gain access to them, if they don’t have them already.

Repaying student loans

The corporate world is now yours to explore! It’s now time to earn your own money now that you got out fresh from the hurdles of college. Ideally, this should be the case for most college graduates. But one of the obstacles that would keep you from being financially free following graduation is your student loan. So if you are into stock investment or planning to venture into it, these tips will help you.

According to this scholarships database, student loans are money granted to college students which usually incur interest based on the affordable student loan rates dictated by the government. Most student loans do not need to be settled until one has graduated college.

Here are few foolproof ways to quickly repay your student loans and start your way to financial freedom as a young professional:

Graduate from the school called “debt”

If you had done all means to finally graduate successfully from college, make the most of your efforts to also graduate from the school called “debt”! Your goal must be to align your energy towards repaying all debts in the shortest period of time. Do the simple math: the longer the loan settlement period, the larger the interest will be.

Treat your student loan like your college course: the sooner you get out of it, the higher your chances of succeeding in life. If you can, make larger payments to cut the principal amount quickly. Remember, the lesser the principal amount, the lesser base onto which your interest rates will apply.

Invest in stocks

Another way to force you into quickly paying off your student loans is to invest in stocks. The stock market has been a profitable industry lately, and you can normally expect a lot of people willing to invest some money into the trade. Share prices, such as the Next share price, are expected to increase in the next few years. So if you’re looking for a long-term investment to repay your loans, investing in stocks is one way to do it.

Put your wallet on a diet

Nothing beats budgeting. Wise budgeting simply means putting your wallet on diet. Just like how you try to put your body’s food intake on a diet, it is important to remember that budgeting is simply planning ahead where your money should go when it arrives on your palms.

Start with the shortest possible budget. You can create a weekly plan on how to spend your money. Prioritize paying off your student loans, most especially those that incur the largest interest payments. Commit to spending less on things you do not need.

Hit the ground running

Essentially, it is better to supplement your wise budgeting with getting sidelines along with your main job. Side gigs are merely created opportunities that you will wish to grab as long as they are there. Be it in any form, shapes and sizes, as long as it is legal, sidelines will help augment your monthly income and help you increase your payments for student loans. Not only will these sidelines help you financially, it will also develop your other skill sets.