Monthly Archives: April 2019

The exciting benefits of online learning on a global scale

Education is something that those of us who are lucky enough to have access to, often (unfortunately) take for granted. It is a given that education is a privilege, but more than that it is also something that has historically been somewhat exclusive – up until now. Of course, this exclusive nature has not been intentional, but nonetheless it is the reality. Not anymore, though. Thanks to technological disruption, the likes of which the academic industry has never seen before, there is change always happening, and more on the horizon. This is an industry that has historically been traditionally-run, and now it is modernising to realign itself with the rest of the world. It is a wonder to behold, and it is an enormous benefit to all students who want the opportunity to study, but have perhaps not had the geographical proximity or the financial means to make it possible for themselves – now, at long last, they can, and they do.

Traditional education requires proximity

The nature of traditional education demands that students live, or have the finances and the means to travel to, their chosen school. Geographical limitation is something that education has always endured, and it has been a constant thorn in its side since the dawn of its inception. And while it has been an ongoing issue, it has also been an issue that students have had no choice, no option to resolve. Until now. The rise of technology in education is changing everything, and this is a very exciting time to be a student, an educator, or anyone who pays attention to the seemingly-constant ebbs and flows of the worldwide education industry. Times are changing, and will continue to do so.

Online learning allows for unparalleled inclusivity

The introduction and further advancement of online learning has enabled for geographical freedom to be the new norm in education, all around the world. Up until this point, students have had to content with the limitations imposed in the wake of traditional education, but no more. These days, students can study wherever, whenever, and however they choose to – all they need is a reliable laptop or tablet to complete their work on, and a stable – and preferably speedy – internet connection to stay in the know at all corners and edges of their academic experience.

Why online learning is such an incredible benefit

Not only does online learning allow students to learn outside of geographical proximity to their chosen campus and school, but they can learn on their own terms. Whether students are studying Python interview questions and answers in preparation for internship applications, or cramming for their art history finals (or any other manner of studious activities or exercises, for that matter), they can now do so freely, with nothing but their own mindset blocking them from achieving good grades and a strong sense of work/life balance. The world is changing, and digital transformation is heading that change. In education, online learning is the bread and butter of modern (and future) education. And it is here to stay.