Monthly Archives: August 2019

The Five Best Part-Time Jobs for College Students

College is demanding. If you’re doing it right, it should feel like a full-time job. But business and academia are worlds apart, and more and more employers are saying that they’re not very confident in the abilities of newly minted college graduates to transition smoothly into a professional life. As college prices continue to rise, it becomes increasingly more difficult (even impossible) for students to pay their way through college with a side job, but regular paychecks, even small ones, can help pay for room and board, textbooks, and other course fees. Even if those are all covered, the extra money can help students unwind at a cafe (or a bar, if they’re old enough) and is a nice added benefit to having useful work experience and something that looks nice on a resume. But what are the best kinds of jobs to take?

  • Internships

The single most important factor in choosing a job is how much it will interfere with your daily class schedule and much-needed study time. What’s great about internships is that not only are they usually networked through the university, but employers enter the relationship understanding that school takes priority. The downside is that many internships are unpaid, but they more than make up for lack of cash with unparalleled networking opportunities and professional experience. 

  • Campus jobs

Campus jobs share similar benefits to internships. Because the university is the employer, they’re usually strictly prohibited from enforcing too rigorous a work schedule on the students. If the idea of working for the people who get your tuition money irks you, you can always take your culinary talents – or develop some – and set up a small food stand or food truck to serve students on their way to and from class. There are plenty of options for coffee shop point of sale that can make running your tiny business a breeze. 

  • Retail

Retail is not high on the list of people’s favorite jobs, but it’s an honest salary and so many employees come from high school or college backgrounds that employers are generally understanding when it comes to scheduling, and if you get to know your co-workers they can help you cover your shifts if you need emergency study time. If you do good work, it can also segue into being a real post-college career if you decide you want to move into management.

  • Freelancing

Freelancing allows you to work directly in your chosen career path and build a portfolio of respectable work while earning money at your own pace. It’s ideal for forward-thinking students, especially those in the creative arts, with entrepreneurial spirit and good time management skills. 

  • Seasonal Work

Seasonal work can be in a variety of fields and disciplines, but the main perk is that it can help you fill that downtime between semesters that many traditional employers would rather avoid hiring you for if they know you’ll be gone again before the end of the year. Seasonal work also tends to be high-volume in a short period of time, so as soon as it’s over the next semester will be coming around the corner and you’ll have sufficiently deep pockets to pay for your textbooks and course fees, and maybe even a little recreation on the side. 

How Education Benefits from Technology

Technology is the driving force behind every aspect of human life and education too falls within its sphere of influence. Education has always been a pillar of development and any advances made in this arena will impact the whole world for the better. And ever since it has embraced technology, it has witnessed a dramatic forward leap. With globalisation giving technology a world-wide reach, more and more people are reaping in the benefits of education that is spurred on by technology.

  • Interactive Education

Learning from textbooks can be tedious and many students find it hard to retain facts and figures simply from reading a book. But interactive classroom technology can be utilized by teachers to craft instructional materials that can bring even the most boring subject matter alive, engage more learners through feedback and keep tabs on their progress. Interactive technology is beneficial in research as well, for example, most students simply refer to Google Maps or Google Earth to help with their geography projects instead of learning about the earth through 2D maps or globes.

  1. Simulation And 3D Models

Through educational simulation, learners get to experience or witness a scenario that without technology would have been impossible to recreate. A virtual reality through computer simulation is constructed to help students grasp a concept. For example, simulations or 3D representation of how a hurricane develops, the evolution of mankind or how dinosaurs walked can captivate young minds and inculcate in them a passion for learning more.

  1. Availability of Information

Gone are the days, when books alone used to be the only source of information. Libraries contain a finite number of books, and many schools and institutes have an insufficient repository of books. But this shortfall has been met by the internet. With the rise of the ‘flipped classrooms’, both teachers and learners can tap into open educational Resources and digital libraries where documents are available either free or at nominal costs. There is a plethora of online educational websites and forums such as Khan Academy, Coursera,, JSTOR and innumerable podcasts, and essay online. Moreover, there are cyber learning technologies that are redefining education and helping students and scholars.

  1. Increased Collaboration 

With the advent of technology in education, classrooms are no longer isolated units and the scope of education has been expanded. Classrooms across the country and the world are connected where students can collaborate on different projects through video conferences, Skype, Google Docs, web seminars and interactive software. This brings uniformity to education across the spectrum fosters interaction and understanding among students from all over the world.

  1. Online Education

Online courses are the most rewarding outcome of technology’s foray into education. It has made education and skill training reachable to more people than ever before. All that is needed is a smart device/laptop and an internet connection and anyone can acquire a degree of their choice with the added benefits of online courses such as lower costs, flexible timing and the opportunity of furthering their career.

Technology has brought education, a basic human right, to the fingertips of the masses. Digital tools and platforms are modernizing education by making it more relevant, impactful and in tune with the spirit of the time.