Monthly Archives: November 2019

Attracting New Members to Your Campus Club or Organization

Post-secondary school is a time for learning and growth. Whether you are attending school for a single term or multiple years, it is extremely beneficial to join a club or organization. Joining a club gives you the opportunity to meet people with similar interests and learn new things Additionally, joining a club can teach you important life skills, like how to be productive with your time.

Even if the club already has over 100 members, you most likely want to see it continue to grow. If you want the club or organization to grow, you need to entice prospective members. However, when there is a long list of clubs and organizations on campus, it can be difficult to make yours stand out.

If you want to recruit new club members but don’t know where to start, don’t be afraid to try these helpful tips.

1 – Design Eye-Catching T-Shirts for Club Members

Every good club needs to have customized t-shirts and garments. Having eye-catching clothing makes it easier for students to learn about the club. As an example, if you wear a shirt with “Chess Club” printed on it in a large, clear font, it creates an opportunity for potential members to learn about the group. 

When designing custom clothing for your club, you always work with screen printing experts – this will ensure that the quality of the garments meets (or exceeds) your standards.

Similarly, it is extremely beneficial if the printer has in-house designers. By having professional designers at your disposal, you’ll be able to design garments that can be noticed from across campus.

If you want to save some money on your garments, you should order them in bulk. If you order over 100 garments, you generally receive a generous bulk-discount. You can save even more money by ordering from a print shop that offers free deliveries and setups. 

2 – Host a Fundraiser

If you want to spread the word around campus about your club or organization, you should consider hosting a fundraiser. By throwing a fundraiser, you can teach people about your club while supporting a good cause.

You can post flyers, posters and pamphlets around campus to let people know about the fundraising event. You can also hand out some of your custom tees, sweaters and garments to help spread the word even more.

If you need ideas for your event, you can give these a try:

  • Carwash
  • Bottle Drive
  • BBQ
  • Movie Night

3 – Create a Fun Culture

It can be difficult to attract students to a club or organization if they don’t think that they will have a good time. Students are extremely busy with classes and assignments, so if they are going to give up their spare time, you need to make the club fun and exciting for everyone.

Although this is easier said than done, there are a handful of simple things that you can do. For starters, members shouldn’t take themselves too seriously; this will have a negative impact on the club’s reputation. Additionally, you can do things like play music during meetings and host fun team-building events for club members.