The Importance of Education

It might seem like a no-brainer that education prepares individuals to be integrated into society as a contributing member and society give much stock to education, believing those who have gone through it to be more refined or civilized. One’s accomplishments are a distinction between classes; a farmer’s boy very rarely has the insights of a well-traveled and knowledgeable mind.

However, there are also certain things to consider aside from seeming well bred. Education is passing on necessary knowledge, from simply surviving to absolutely thriving. There are pockets of civilization scattered in undeveloped areas who do not understand even the importance of hygiene, leading to many health problems. According to UNICEF, “nearly five children die every hour due to poor hygiene conditions” in Tanzania alone.

This is why many organizations flock to third world countries in an attempt to impart knowledge to the natives of the land. It is an effort not only to give those who are less privileged a chance at a more comfortable life, it is also important on a global scale.

The mentality that we should not care about what happens elsewhere is a fool’s errand; the world is connected and ‘elsewhere’ is part of the same planet. Overpopulation, pollution, and by-products of an underdeveloped country affect the entire ecosystem.

During industrial times, smog and soot caused many to perish in London. However, thanks to the emerging technologies that used cleaner energies, the crisis was rectified. While pollution is still an on-going problem, scientists and innovators are hard at work in an attempt to reduce greenhouse emissions through environmentally friendly motor vehicles.

This is why it is important that stellar education reaches every corner of the world. Rather than sending the least proficient or skilled teachers, what these struggling societies need is the best to catch up with the rest. It is rather futile to combat one problem when just across the ocean; new developments are arising with the same problems that we faced in the past. As the proverb goes: a wise man learns from his mistakes, but an even wiser man learns from the mistakes of others. It is our responsibility not to allow the errors of history to be repeated.

On the flip side, education nowadays has become much segregated, but widely available thanks to technology. It has enabled volunteers to take a flight to underprivileged areas and educating the people in regards to staying clean, filtering water and even farming.

The internet has become a more effective teacher in developed countries. One of the problems in education is associated with an excessive amount of homework, leading students often seeking help outside their educational establishments from an assignment expert. Cyberspace has changed the landscape of achieving information and every user is limited only by their imagination, interest, and dedication.

It allows individuals to shape new perspectives and learning how to make informed and intellectual opinions. The world would not be so diluted with information if that was not the case and education also allows for people to weed out what is misinformation or blatant lies. Remedying ignorance with credible information is the only way for human growth as a whole.