Category Archives: Finance

What College Students Should Consider When Looking At Banks

Going off to college comes with many responsibilities — including the responsibility of monitoring finances more closely. Those that are moving onto college right after high school may not have any previous experience monitoring their own bank accounts.

However, now is the time to learn! If you’re going off to college and are trying to figure out what you need to do, make sure to add getting a bank account to your list.

Getting a bank account is your first step to independently organizing and managing your money. This is essential as you start taking on responsibilities such as having an on-campus job, paying for books, and taking out student loans.

If you’re just getting started with opening a bank account, keep the following tips in mind.

Where the bank is located

The first thing you’re going to want to consider is whether or not the bank has a branch that is located near your campus.

You may occasionally need to go to the bank in-person, so choosing a bank that has locations near your hometown and near your college is recommended.

It is possible your college already has an affiliation with a particular bank and may have ATMS from that bank on campus. And while it is good to consider that particular bank as an option, don’t make your decision based solely on that affiliation. You want to make sure that the bank can meet your needs.

Focus on features

When it comes time to narrow down your choices of a bank, look at what features they offer to students. Most banks will offer bank accounts specifically for students that come with some free features.

For example, some banks charge monthly maintenance fees or require a minimum deposit amount each month. These features are usually waived for student accounts, because students have limited amounts of money and because they might not be in a position to make monthly deposits.

Whenever you are considering a bank, ask them if they have student-specific bank accounts and what the benefits come with one of those accounts. Compare several different banks before making a decision.

Know about interest rates

Over time, bank accounts and saving accounts will accumulate interest. Interest rates vary, but higher interest rates result in a higher yield.

Ideally, you’ll have a savings account in addition to your main bank account. This is because you’ll generally earn more interest on savings accounts. Because of this, savings accounts have higher annual percentage yields (APY) than banking accounts do. You can use an APY calculator to get a sense of how much interest your savings account will accumulate.

Understanding interest rates can be confusing at first. If you’re struggling to understand interest, you should sit down with a bank representative to learn what options are available to you.

Check out the app

Mobile banking has become popular. Mobile apps grant you constant access to your bank and saving accounts, allowing you to see how much you have available, as well as withdrawals you have made. Gone are the days of having to balance checkbooks.

Each bank uses a slightly different mobile app. You may find some apps easier to use than others. To get a sense of what apps are available to you, start looking at online reviews from other users.

Some banks will have apps that are specific to students. These apps tend to be designed in a way that allows you to learn how to use a mobile banking app.

Accounts after college

If you choose a bank that uses student accounts, ask them how easy it is to transfer your account into a regular account after college. Most banks will expect you to get rid of your student account after graduation.

However, even if they make you get rid of it, most banks will help you open up a new non-student account. Most of the time, this transfer doesn’t cost you a thing and can be done within a matter of minutes.

Whenever you transfer, ask your bank about any differences with your new account. Generally, there will be an expectation for you to have a minimum balance and to make deposits several times a month.

Final thoughts

If you’re heading off to college and don’t yet have a bank account, now is the time to start doing your research. Even if you already have an account, you should double-check that there is a branch of your bank located near your college. Making good financial decisions now can help you become financially secure in the future.


A Knowledge First Financial Guide on How to Use RESP Money

At the start of a new academic year, students may feel financial prepared for the year ahead. Your bank account is still looking good, even after paying for the basics like tuition and books, but in the coming months, as your savings start to dip, you may start to worry if you have enough to cover day-to-day or any unexpected expenses that come with university life.

The good news?

If someone put aside money in a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for you, funds can be withdrawn to cover expenses while you are in school. All you need to do is get a proof of enrolment and contact your RESP company for more information on how to withdraw money.

The bad news?

A little knowledge about how RESPs work can help you make efficient use of the money. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of the right way to withdraw RESP money so you minimize the tax you pay as a student. We’ll also talk about how to withdraw money if you are NOT in school. As always, it’s always best to talk to an RESP expert for the best advice so you can go about withdrawing your funds in a way that works best for your situation.

Withdrawing Money from an RESP: Rules for Different Categories of Funds

RESP money falls into one of three categories: contributions (money your parents saved); government education grants which are added to RESP savings through programs like the Canada Education Savings Program; and interest earned on the money while it stays in the plan. The last two categories are the most important for students to know about. You’ll see why as you read on.

Withdrawing RESP Contribution Amounts

Contributions are funds that are put into an RESP and can be withdrawn tax-free at any time tax-free, as long as you (as a beneficiary of an RESP) are in a post-secondary program. In Canada, this means:

A program that is at least 3 consecutive weeks’ duration

10 hours of instruction per week

– Full- or part-time

Post-secondary studies includes very broad range of educational options after high school – college, university, trade schools, apprenticeships – the list is very extensive. You can also use RESP money to fund international full- or part-time post-secondary programs, although there may be slightly different criteria.

Contribution money withdrawn from an RESP while you are in school are called ‘Post-Secondary Withdrawals’ and most RESPs allow you to choose how much and how often to take funds out. PSE Withdrawals can be made to the person who opened the plan, or to the student, but in either case, no tax is paid. This is good for students to keep in mind who want to minimize their tax payments or unexpectedly need extra funds while in school.

Why RESPs Are Unique

To encourage education savings, the government of Canada offers incentives that can only be accessed through an RESP. These incentives come in the form of government grants and tax-deferred growth on all the money in the RESP.

Grants and income are withdrawn as Educational Assistance Payments (EAPs). EAPs are taxable to the student, which usually means there is minimal tax to pay. We will explain the best way to withdraw EAPs but first, let’s cover the grants.

Government Grants

First, here are the grants:

The Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)

– The Canada Learning Bond (CLB)

– Provincial government grants, which exist in British Columbia and Quebec

Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG): The CESG pays 20% on the first $2,500 deposited into an RESP up to a maximum of $500 per year and $7,200 lifetime per child. Depending on net family income with Additional CESG a child may receive the $7,200 sooner.

Canada Learning Bond (CLB): The CLB makes it easier for lower income families to save by depositing an initial contribution of $500 in a child’s RESP and $100 per hear from age 1 to 15, to a maximum of $2,000. No RESP contributions are required to receive the CLB. Eligibility is based in part on family income and number of children.

Provincial Grants (British Columbia and Quebec)

Currently the only two provinces that offer education savings grants are British Columbia and Quebec. Saskatchewan had one (SAGES) but it’s been suspended; Alberta also had the Alberta Centennial Education Savings plan, which was closed in 2015.

In the case of Quebec’s RESP grant (QESI), the amount of money you receive depends on your contributions.

In BC, on the other hand, the British Columbia Training and Education Savings Grant (BCTESG) is a one-time grant worth $1,200. No contributions are required but BCTESG is only paid into an RESP when a child is between 6 and 9 years of age.

Investment Gains (Interest)

While money is in the RESP, they will earn interest or returns. The amount will depend on the type of RESP investment vehicle chosen and there is a wide range of choice available to meet different investment styles.

Educational Assistance Payments (EAP) – Withdrawing Grants & Interest While in School

You can only receive an EAP if you are enrolled in a post-secondary program. This money includes the grants received and all interest earned within an RESP. A flexible RESP gives you the most choice in the amount and timing of withdrawing EAPs – RESP companies may have slightly different rules or forms – but the most important tip on withdrawing grants and income is this:

EAPs amounts are added to a student’s taxable income the year they are paid. If you aren’t working during school, you’ll likely have little or no tax to pay.

Not in School But Want to Withdraw RESP Money?

Life happens. Whether things may not go according to plan or you feel your path may lead you in a completely different direction. Before a decision is made to close an RESP – you can keep it open for up to 35 years from the start date, so if might be some form of schooling in the future – you can leave the money there to help you take that step when you’re ready.

But what happens if you want to use your RESP money today?

Contributions can be withdrawn tax-free from an RESP as a non-PSE withdrawal but let’s take a look at what happens to each government grant when it comes to contribution withdrawals for non-post-secondary use.

The Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)

Because CESG amounts are based on how much you put into an RESP, you have to return this money proportional to how much of your contributions you withdraw.

It goes like this.

The government will give you 20% in CESG for the first $2,500 in RESP contributions, every year, per beneficiary, and up to a lifetime total of $7,200 per beneficiary.

So if you withdraw $2,500 in contributions that you received the 20% CESG grant for, you will need to return $500 to the government.

For example: If $5,000 in contributions are withdrawn as a Non-Post-secondary Withdrawal, the RESP provider must return the CESG amount received (20% or $1,000) to the government.

If all contributions are withdrawn and the RESP is closed, all CESG money remaining in the RESP must be returned to the government.

Keep in mind that you won’t have received these CESG amounts if you didn’t apply for them. Obviously, if you didn’t receive the grant, you won’t have to return it.

CLB and Provincial Grants

Like the CESG, the Canada Learning Bond and provincial education savings grants may be returned to the government when RESP money is withdrawn for non-educational purposes. It’s always best to talk with an RESP expert to discuss your specific situation.

Withdrawing Investment Gains (Interest)

Say $5,000 was contributed to an RESP and the provider invested the money wisely, netting a $200 gain.

In this case, the $200 interest can be withdrawn for non-educational purposes once:

– The RESP has been open for at least 10 years and all beneficiaries are 21 years of age or above and are not currently pursuing education after high school; or

– All previous and current beneficiaries on the account have unfortunately passed away; or

The plan has been open for 35 years (RESPs can only stay open for 36 years, per the government)

If the above criteria are met and interest in an RESP withdrawn for non-educational purposes, you will be taxed on them at whatever your tax rate for the year is — plus an additional 20% penalty. Interest can also be rolled into an RESP, if there is room.

In other words, the government really doesn’t want you cashing out these profits for non-educational purposes. Understandably, however, life circumstances may leave you with no choice — and thankfully, the option does exist.

How to Request an RESP Withdrawal

Ok, so now you know the rules regarding withdrawing different types of money from an RESP.

How do you, practically speaking, go about requesting a withdrawal of contributions for emergency, non-educational purposes.

The process is actually quite straightforward.

In the case of Knowledge First Financial’s Flex First and Family Single Student plans, simply fill out their RESP withdrawal form and select Option 2, which allows the withdraw contributions for emergency, non-educational purposes.

Other RESP providers will have similar forms to trigger a withdrawal.

Keep in mind that only the RESP’s “subscriber” (typically a parent) can do this. The student (or the “beneficiary” of the RESP) cannot trigger a withdrawal; unlike conventional, penalty-free withdrawals for educational purposes, what you do with your contributions in an emergency withdrawal situation is up to you.


As you can see, there are rules surrounding how you withdraw money from an RESP for non-educational, emergency purposes.

Thankfully, these rules do allow tax-free withdrawals of contributions to an RESP. Things get stricter and taxes are applied when interest earned is withdrawn.

Further, government grant amounts cannot be withdrawn for non-educational purposes — and contribution withdrawals for non-educational purposes may trigger a grant repayment, depending on how much is withdraws in contributions.

In many cases, requesting a withdrawal is as simple as filling out a form with your RESP provider. Be sure to discuss your financial situation with them for personalized advice.

The trick to successfully taking control of your finances

When it comes to learning to masterfully control your finances, it goes without saying that it is a learning curve. It is an unfortunate reality that the world revolves, for the most part, around the give and take that centres around financial currency. This means, at the end of the day, that it is practically impossible to escape the necessity of having your own financial backing, and being able to adequately handle that backing on an ongoing basis. Companies like Money Task Force are perfect for helping to bridge the gaps, but you should know how to handle your finances yourself for the most part.


People are often easily frustrated when handling their finances, because it can often seem like their finances are chaotic to handle. While it is certainly true that, if left unchecked, finances can be an especially chaotic subject to handle, if you stay on top of them they can actually be quite easy to adequately maintain and grow. So, what is the trick to successfully taking control of your finances? Ultimately, it comes down to three steps.


Create a self-imposed budget and work to actively stick to it


Before anything else, self-control is crucial. It can take some trial and error to work this through one’s mind and to realise the truth of it. Often what happens is that when someone gets a payday, they find themselves excited and end up overspending before they even have a chance to regulate that pay check into compulsory bills and other costs, spending money, and savings. This often (if not always) leads to a distinct imbalance in income, and savings – even if one is living generally quite within their means.


So, to get a handle on your finances, start by working out a self-imposed budget. This is the budget that you create for yourself. Separate your paycheck into different categories, always starting with the compulsory costs like bills and the like. From there, work in spending money, social money, savings for trips and holiday gifts, etc, and the savings pool that you are not going to touch – think of this like an additional Super…you can touch it, but treat it like you cannot, and watch it flourish and thrive.


Have separate bank accounts for everyday access, savings, etc


This might be obvious to some, but having separate bank accounts for everyday access and savings makes the world of difference. It is easy enough to spend haphazardly if all your money is in one place, but if you spread it out strategically over different bank accounts – even across separate banks altogether, at that – you will find that it is easier not to touch your savings. Out of sight, out of mind, as the saying goes. This is very important, and it is one of the most useful keys you can have that helps you to successfully handle your finances.


Set up direct debit so you can easily track ongoing expenses

Think about all the ongoing expenses that you have – bills, etc. These are payments that, like it or not, continue to come out of your account until they are paid off or you are no longer obligated to continue repayments. In setting up direct debits for these payments, you can click on ‘Upcoming payments’ in your bank app to get a real-time play-by-play of all the bills and upcoming payments that you have due soon. This makes it easier to keep track and thus stay on top of your repayments.