Three Tips to Ace the Academic Essay

It is often said that higher education opens up opportunities for advancement in life. Even in these difficult times, where opportunities for advancement are not as plentiful as they were in the past, people with a university degree are still in demand: no less than 72 percent of Australians who have completed an undergraduate course find a full time job within four months of graduation.

While university provides the knowledge and the launching pad you need for a better future, one of the most important skills you will require as you progress in your career is that ability to understand, analyse and synthesise data from multiple sources. For instance, what will be the impact of rising crude oil prices on the production cost of packaging material? Answering it might require information from multiple sources and possibly multiple disciplines, but decision makers have to routinely handle such queries.

Perhaps that is why most universities have made the critical analysis essay an integral part of the pedagogy. As a youngster still in the formative years, it is no doubt a huge challenge to write such an essay. That challenge gets multiplied several times over if you are an international student for whom English is not even the first language, which is why write my paper services are often utilized for these essays. 

However, the challenge is by no means an impossible one to surmount. Here are three tips that can help you write an excellent essay.

1. Planned Reading: The list of recommended readings that you are given at the beginning of the term is usually so vast, that you’re unlikely to have the time to actually read all of them, more so since nearly two-thirds of tertiary students in the country also work while they are at university. Therefore a strategic approach to reading is absolutely necessary.

For instance, browsing through an entire chapter can be not only time consuming, but even difficult if it is not written by a professional writer. Check out the beginning and conclusion of the chapters. If you believe they are relevant, read up the remaining details. If not, move on to the next chapter.

2. Identify flaws in your argument: This may sound counter-intuitive, since you will be expected to take a position. Nevertheless, it always pays to be aware of flaws in your own argument. For instance, if your point of view is that the movements of stock market indices are based on short term concerns and do not reflect long-term economic realities, make it a point to consider shortcomings in the argument or alternate views. You will have a better idea as to the evidence that you will need to bolster your position.

3. Strong Introduction: How many times have you watched a movie that had you hooked from the very first scene? The intent of the filmmaker was to grab your attention as early as possible, because first impressions count for a lot. Your critical analysis essay should do likewise with the reader. One way in which you can manage that effectively is to write the rest of the essay and then work on an introduction that sets the tone for what follows.