
Happiness and Connecting with Nature

Many people have told me that being in nature, experiencing it, and connecting with it brings them a sense of calmness, peace, and wholeness of being human. Even with our new technologies and our increasing ability to enhance or even substitute different aspects of human life, perhaps nothing can replace nature in positively affecting our vitality. A new study states that is fairly clear that the relationship between nature connectedness and happiness is positive and significant, meaning that people who feel more connected with nature tend to be happier. Happiness in this study is measured in terms of positive affect (as in “affection” and good emotions), life satisfaction, and vitality. Nature connectedness is associated with all three. However, correlation does not equal causation, and it is unclear whether it is nature connectedness that leads to happiness, happiness leads to nature connectedness, or the existence of another factor that causes both. Either way, even doing small things like taking a walk in the park is not a bad idea for one’s wellbeing. An implication of the results of this study is that the human interest to build a happier future is not in conflict with the need to create a sustainable future. In fact, the two are compatible and symbiotic.



Capaldi CA, Dopko RL, Zelenski JM. The relationship between nature connectednes and happiness: a meta-analysis. Front Psychol. 2014; 5: 976.

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