The past few days at our UBC Campus have been cold, wet and lacking in sunshine. Winter Blues (or Seasonal Affective Disorder) affect up to 12-15% of Canadians each year. It’s unfortunate that this time of the year happens to fall right at the end of the term when finals and papers are looming over […]
Since zoom and other video conferencing apps have become our classrooms in 2020, there is no way to avoid them. What we can avoid is the mental exertion that stems from Zoom Fatigue when we sit in front of the camera for a prolonged period of time. Here are 5 ways to avoid burning out […]
Note from the MHAC President
Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Vereschagin, and I am the President of UBC MHAC this year. I figured I’d introduce myself quickly and share why I am so passionate about mental health. I’m in my 3rd year at Sauder, and I’m double specializing in Accounting and Business Tech Management. I got involved with UBC […]
Surviving Midterms 101
So, it’s midterm season, and finals are just around the corner. Just putting it out there, in case it hasn’t already hit you yet. Of course, now is the time to study hard and spend hours in the library. While this is expected, but it is also THE time to take care of your mental […]
With 2018 quickly coming to an end, I wanted to take a moment and reflect back on this year so far. This year was definitely one of my most memorable and best years yet. If I had to describe this year in just one word, I would choose growth. 2018 is a year that when […]
The Stigma of Mental Illness
The negative stigma surrounding mental illnesses including anxiety and depression has negative consequences on society and the person suffering from the disorder. Depression and anxiety in their evolutionary forms are healthy; they are the body’s response to stimuli that the person needs to avoid/deal with in order to get out of an unhealthy situation. From an evolutionary psychology standpoint, anxiety […]
Dear Past Self
Dear past self, I know that the past few days, weeks, months or even years have been filled with so many obstacles and challenges. Some of them you were able to easily breeze through and other times you just barely crawled past. Then, there were those unfortunate occasions where you were completely crushed by […]
Two types of Pride
How did the emotion of pride evolve? There are two paths that led to us standing tall. One based on dominance, acquired through fear, Called Hubristic Pride- it makes negativity draw near: He holds his position by with-holding acquisition controlling rights of others through resource suppression. The antisocial ape with his intimidation; Don’t get stuck […]
I have two sisters. One is older than me, has achieved incredible things with her life, and she’s depressed. One is much younger than me, has potential to surpass all of us with her intellect and wit, and she has anxiety (and is probably one of the most neurotic people I’ve ever encountered – not […]
Isolated and International
According to UBC Overview and Facts, students in the 2016/17 school year included 24.0% international students for the Vancouver campus, and 14.4% international students for the Okanagan campus. In other words: if you’re an international student here at UBC, you are far from alone. Being an international student can be lonely at times, even if […]