
Two types of Pride

How did the emotion of pride evolve?
There are two paths that led to us standing tall.
One based on dominance, acquired through fear,
Called Hubristic Pride- it makes negativity draw near:
He holds his position by with-holding acquisition
controlling rights of others through resource suppression.
The antisocial ape with his intimidation;
Don’t get stuck in a relationship with someone who is skilled in the art of inflation.

The second path- Authentic Pride reflects positivity and the desired traits in a social hierarchy.
These people are respected for their skills and success and always willing to lend a hand for others to do their best.
The friendly, prosocial emotion backing up altruism is much more attractive than the other narcissism.

I once knew a man who was full of self-love, he blinded and cheated his way to above.
Convincing himself he is more than pure gold, he let his personality become rot with mould.
Convinced that he is the ultimate king
who is going to buy his queen a diamond ring
Now, because he moulded our relationship so near, to one where I couldn’t escape based on fear
Afraid of his manipulations grasping my soul he projected his insecurities on myself
taking the toll that a million toxic mushrooms couldn’t make.
I shed so many tears for his sake.

Until one day I had enough,
a second look at the situation would rebuff and gain back the confidence that he took away,
From the broken person I was to the brick wall today.

Hubristic and Authentic Pride
When two worlds collide evolution won’t let it slide
Both are the means of opposite personalities
And one adopts the image of a distorted reality.
I’d rather be the one who helps, encouraging mend, than feeling fake strength for chaining a friend, for holding them down, for making them cry, for seeing pain in something weaker than I.



Pride is a self-conscious feeling and it’s easy to tell when someone is concealin
Body language speaks for your reticence even though we try to cover it all up in our defence.
Why do humans hide what they feel inside? Its futile for we’re all headed on the same ride.
The paucity of willingness to reveal our thought is an anomaly and psychology
helps to concentrate on contemplation of oddly-mannered youth with a flick-fired tongue:
Machiavellian and deviant from an age young
With alacrity growing up to harm others with conceit
And then it’s too late to help them make their ends meet.
About the social nature we must be benevolent
Or at least innocuous because natural selection isn’t heaven-sent.

So distinguish yourself from the controlling ape
Who will try to dominate through violence and loud
No need to fear the duplicity of being proud
One lingering in the shadow – the other standing out in the crowd.

Written by Sandy

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