
The Power of Positive Thinking

It’s now the second week of exams and stress levels are probably high–but how exactly does stress affect your health?  While I was taking a break from studying, I came across this video by TedEd, “How Stress Affects your body. (link below) can be damaging to your body and even result in things such as hypertension or lead to plaque build up in your arteries.  However, stress is inevitable, especially during exam season, so how can you manage stress?

There are many ways to manage stress. For example, taking short breaks and giving yourself a chance to relax and take your mind off of things is beneficial, especially through exercising. This video also suggests approaching stressful situations with a different frame of mind, by viewing those situations as “challenges you can control and master”.

Additionally, I found another TedEd video called “3 tips to boost your confidence”.  It’s a great video to watch if you’re finding yourself overwhelmed with all the exam stress. It is an empowering video that lists some methods of thinking more positively and how that can impact your life. The video discusses where confidence comes from and how to turn your thoughts into actions. One of the tips it suggests is picturing success when embarking on a difficult task, such as imagining yourself doing well on an exam or a project.  This way of thinking can help empower you to do better and even study better.  Believing you can improve and learn from any challenges thrown your way can directly affect your actions, as you will be more inclined to practice or study, strengthening neural connections in your brain.

For more suggestions on how to boost your confidence and alleviate stress I encourage you to give the videos a watch. They’re both short videos and perfect for a quick study break!

Best of luck on your exams and have a great winter break!


Written by Amanda Chao
TedEd videos:


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