
The Germ Theory: Can Germs Cause Mental Illness?

Over the winter break, I had time to do some reading and I came across a very interesting book called Infectious Madness. The book explores the associations between bacteria and viruses and mental illness.  The author, Harriet A. Washington, does a good job of explaining current research and past discoveries relating to biology, immunology and mental illness without going into too much scientific detail.  Washington brings up questions such as whether we can “catch” mental illness.  It is commonly believe that a mixture of genetics, social, and psychological aspects can lead to mental illness, but there is limited knowledge on the connection between bacteria, viruses, and parasites on mental well-being.  This book talks about the evidence that supports the germ theory and its association with mental illness.  For example, there is some evidence to suggest that a streptococcal bacterium, commonly known for causing strep throat, is associated with symptoms of anorexia, OCD, and Tourette’s Syndrome. Washington notes that with this evidence, new microbial-based therapies for mental illness are beginning to be investigated as an alternative form of treatment. Since there is still a lot of research to be done, the book does not have a specific conclusion. However, Washington asks many important questions and gives readers an overview of how the history of mental illness has evolved, particularly from a biological perspective.
If you’re interested in learning more about the germ theory and how microbes may affect our mental well-being I highly suggest you read this book.  It’s easy to follow along and brings up some compelling evidence.  
Written by Amanda Chao
The book may be found at:

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