
Food for Thought

Ice cream, fries, chips, burgers, soft drinks, pizza, and cake; those are just some of the food items that many people turn to after a stressful day.  However, as you may already know, these foods fit under the category of “junk food”, and although they may sound mouthwatering for a number of people, they are considered unhealthy too.  On the other hand, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, grain products, and other foods fall under the healthy side of the spectrum because they help us maintain our physiological and physical health.  But the question is: does healthy food actually have a positive impact on our mental health as well?

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association’s website (, evidence suggests that making healthy eating choices can help improve mental health.  Eating regular and nutritious meals can play an important part in bettering our mood and maintaining energy levels throughout the day.  This can be achieved by including a variety of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, essential fats, and amino acids in our diet and ensuring we consistently drink enough water, as stated by the UK Mental Health Foundation (

What are some foods that can contribute to improving mental health?  Wild cold water fish such as mackerel and salmon, and seaweed contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to our mental health (Ross 2013).  Studies have shown that those foods can assist in reducing symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia (Ross 2013).  Whole grain products such as oats, beans, and soy contain complex carbohydrates that can release glucose at a slow rate and help maintain the energy resource for the mind and body (Ross 2013).  Fermented foods such as kimchi and yogurt contain active cultures that have also been found to decrease anxiety and stress hormones (Ross 2013).

For more information on making healthy food choices for your own individual lifestyle, feel free to visit:  The choices that we make food-wise at any age affects our overall well-being physically and mentally, so consider incorporating foods that allow you to feel good and improve your way of life at the same time.  

Written by Michelle Huynh


Ross, Carolyn. “Healthy Gut, Healthy Mind: 5 Foods to Improve Mental Health.” Psychology Today.  Sussex Publishers, 29 January 2013.  Web.  17 February 2016.

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